fighting the enemy at night

Prayer works my friends.  It really does.  I have seen firsthand how it works time and time again.  I know this is not a revelation to a lot of you, but I am still amazed every time it does!  As a mother, I have been using prayer for things that I never would have thought I would.

"Lord, please help me find my keys!"
"Lord, give me patience for cleaning up the pee from the floor for the third time today."
"Lord, take his boo-boo pain away right now!"
"Lord, help me to be on time this morning."
"Lord, please calm this terrorist of a toddler!"

There are millions more, but another one has most recently been so effective for my children...

"Lord, take away their nightmares..." 

My children are really good sleepers.  They sleep through most nights, in their own beds, and fall asleep fairly quickly.  They sleep well at strange places, as long as we are there.  But, if someone is sick, all of that goes out the window, and if someone pees the bed, and...I just don't get much sleep lately.  However, it's mainly for another reason.  Recently, we have had one kid awake - unbeknownst to my husband who can sleep like a log - at least every other night.

Someone either wakes SCREAMING that terrifying scream you would have thought they were being taken or slaughtered (anyone seen The Green Mile?  Anyone?).  OR someone climbs into bed with me, crying and saying, "Mommy, I'm scared!  Can I be with you?"  So, I let them climb in and rest with me for 15-30 minutes till I can muster the strength to climb out of bed and carry them back to bed.  As I am singing them back to sleep and sweeping their hair back off of their foreheads, they say in that terrified voice...

"Mommy, I'm scared!  I can't go back to sleep."

It's not an original idea to pray away nightmares and biblical truths over your children.  Kris Vallotton from Bethel, Catherine Wilson from Focus On the Family, as well as many others have spoken about this. You can buy CD's that speak scripture and Biblical truths to your child as they sleep.  When this all first started, I looked for counsel and read lots of articles.  But a lot of things didn't work.  Some say children have nightmares because they have irregular sleep patterns.  Well, my kids have the same schedule most days of the week.  Some research says, it's due to diet.  My children eat fairly well and have mostly fresh foods, with processed stuff in between.  I think there is something bigger taking over my children's dreams.

A friend of mine also has a child that experiences these fearful moments in the dark of night.  I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life that can point me towards a Christ-centered way to aiding their child.  She gave me a few scriptures that I could share with my kids so that when they are scared I can say something more powerful than, "It's ok.  Monsters aren't real."  I can arm them with God's word and power.  She will still send me verses as she thinks of them.  I encourage you to look for those friends.  If you need one, I'll be one.

Last night the scenario played out like above, but, this time as I stroked my daughter's hair to put her back to sleep she asked, "Mommy, will you pray for me?"

What I am most amazed by is my daughters request to pray over her.  She knew the power prayer has.  She knows that when she is scared she can run to her Lord and find refuge.  She knows that when she is scared she can pray for the enemy to be released from the hold he is trying to take over her, or at least to ask for help with it.  That night, in my sleepy stupor I didn't think of prayer.  But we've prayed enough that it has become a natural response for her.  And when she needed it most, she asked.   

Let me tell you...I can't think of one time when it hasn't worked.  There have been nights when I have needed to go in over and over and pray for them.  But speaking truths over them and speaking straight to their identity in Christ does something so wonderful for them you can just see the peace release.  They kiss me back and they tell me "I love you, Mommy!" and they turn over and go back to sleep.  Tonight, Luke was scared about a tiger coming to get him.  I prayed for him, and then he said, "Now it's like, TIGER, POP! NO WAY TIGER!  POP YOU OUTTA HERE TIGER!"  That's awesome.  I pray simple, but truthful prayers.

"Lord, Thank you for Carolyn.  Fill her dreams with things of you.  Bring angels to protect her through the night.  Carolyn is a powerful daughter and co-heir in Christ.  She knows you are here.  She knows you are bigger than anything else.  Give her strength to cast away whatever darkness the enemy is bringing.  She is a child of God and in that knowledge, bring them comfort.  She belongs to you and only you.  She has power in your name.  Bring her dreams of peace and comfort and beautiful things, like the soft and comforting hugs from us.  Lord, wrap your arms around her and bring happiness and joy.  In your name, AMEN!"

Here are some of the scriptures I've been speaking to them throughout the day:

"When I was scared I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles.  For the angel of the lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him."  Psalms 34:6-7

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2Timothy 1:7

"But I trust in your unfailing love, I will rejoice because you have rescued me.  I will sing to the Lord because he id good to me." Psalms 13:5-6

"Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge." Psalm 16:1

"They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress, but the Lord supported me.  He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me." Psalms 18: 18-19

These are just some of the MANY scriptures to lift you and your child up in a time of darkness.  I know many people deal with this on a much scarier level and I know children have night terrors.  I am no psychologist and do not claim to be.  If this is a hurdle for your family I hope you are talking with a counselor, doctor, or psychologist that can help you.  But I also pray that you find the words and the strength in yourself to pray these over your child.  May the pain of these nightmares be released from your house and never to return.

May they find comfort in HIM and may you continue the good fight.


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