
Showing posts from 2012

No one else

I don't know how, but other people don't seem to have this panty-line problem that I have.  Should I really be wearing granny-panties?  Am I the only person still wearing underwear? Because it seems I'm the only one that has a panty-line.  Am I the only person having this turmoil run through my head?  I THINK NOT!  I think there are a lot of people out there that just care not to share their talents of "hiding the panty line."  Every time I go to the store I somehow end up in the lingerie department.  These thoughts run through my head each time: Oooo, those are cute! Do they have them in my size? What is my size?  Am I lying to myself, or should I REALLY be THAT size? Maybe I should try a different cut? Maybe I should try a different brand? Does everyone really wear thongs all the time?  I mean, I do wear them, but ONLY when necessary. Should I only be wearing spanks? Then I inevitably do 1 of 2 things: buy 5 pairs of underwear that are sure to disap

Stepping out

So yesterday, for the first time ever, I prayed to ask God to heal someone...IN PUBLIC.  It was a very humbling experience. I have always been worried that I won't pray well on behalf of God; that I would be a terrible example of public prayer. It's certainly not like in the movies where you see people speak in tongues or have an immediate, miraculous epiphany or healing.  The message was about stepping out on our "Faith".  The Pastor asked people to stand who had some type of physical pain or ailment.  Right before he had mentioned this, I had asked God to show me how to be a little more selfless and step out on my faith.  Well, so be it, two ladies stood up right next to me.  It was like God was saying, "OK, here you go.  Now don't be a wuss and punk out on me." So, naturally I felt as if I needed to do something.  The Pastor made it very clear that this was not to be a performance of speaking in tongues or any kind of show; this was to be to Glorify

the patience of a saint

I am really starting to relate to that have the patience of a saint... Has a nice ring to it.  However, it means you are enduring most things that others probably don't want to.  And they've even said the aforementioned quote to you to make you feel better, when actually, they are saying, "Man I'm glad I don't have to deal with that." My son would be the result of this quote being said, more times than I can count on my new stretch marks, to me.  He has officially hit the 'Terrible Twos"...and he's only 17 months...he's very advanced for his age:) Seriously though, I was a teacher of young children, so I'm not sure why this is coming as a shock to me.  He is not rational (but then again, neither am I right now).  He screams unless you let him do it his way, and it was his idea (which I guess, I am partial to those feelings as well, even when I'm not pregnant). So, I've decided that I will take a different appro

It's been a long time

So I know it has been awhile, but I've been a little pregnant ok!  I know it's the lamest excuse, but it's the one I'm goin' with!  These past two months have been a bit busy...and it's been unseasonably warm, so we've been outside a lot (meaning I'm exhausted). Since I've last posted, I have: gained an appetite gained some pounds read The Hungar Games, all 3 of them in a 2 1/2 week span had some parties napped made some bowties (that are VERY cute by the way!) read Roadwork to my son at least 3 times a day, probably more gained a better understanding of how much patience my child needs from an adult There is probably more, but I can't remember anything anymore (infact, I have started to post EVERYTHING in my calendar just so I can recall what happened yesterday). Mostly though, I have tried to put all the "stuff" aside and just enjoy being with my son, before his world (and mine) are thrown for a wild ride!  I love him

It's happened again!

I've caught the bug...I'm preggo again (and not just hungry for the canned pasta sauce).  I'm actually fo' real pregnant!  AHHHHHH!!!!  What have I done? No seriously, I am very excited for this new baby.  I LOOOOOOOVE Babies.  I love their smell, their wrinkly bodies, the breast feeding, the rocking, the singing, hmmmmmm, need I go on? However, right from the start this baby is already different.  I feel more nauseous than I did when I carried Luke (maybe it's a girl?).  My energy level is nil.  I'm not sure if that's because I have Luke to chase around this time?  I was chasing around 12 1st graders before, so it can't be that much different.  I have little to no appetite.  I haven't gained any weight (which is peculiar, considering I do this even when I'm not pregnant).  Poor Tim comes home from a day full of work and swoops in to make it all better (he's the bestest!). We found out the day after I got sick in my exercise class.  It

A Rested Child Makes for a Happy Family!

HALLELUIAH! My son is able to put himself to sleep at every rest period!  He is now 14 months and just now consistent at nap time.  He has been able to put himself to sleep at night for a while now.  Can I telly you how happy this makes me?!?!?!  (I just did a little dance) This makes me happy for many reasons: I am able to get more accomplished he sleeps better and longer I'm not as frustrated with him if I ever have another child nap time/bedtime will be easier there is hope I love the time we spend in the room together before he lays down to rest.  We walk into his room and he seems to calm quickly.  We do our routine of changing his diaper, putting on his sleep sack, turning on the humidifier/heater, turning on the lullabies, reading one or two books in the rocker, and then (my favorite part) we dim the lights, lay his head on my shoulder and cuddle for a moment while I sing to him.  This almost puts me to sleep and makes me want to stay with him.  Then I quickly rememb

heart stopping moment

So it's no big news that Luke is a little mischievous, curious, dangerous, agile, unsteady, sneaky and stealthy.  All of these can be good things.  But when combined together, they create a TERRIBLE least from a mom's perspective.  The other day all these adjectives came together...and stopped my heart. Luke was being especially fussy this day and we were trying to get ready to make our way out of the door for our regular Sunday soccer game.  So naturally, Tim and I were both in the bedroom, kinda, trying to entertain Luke as we pack up.  Tim left the room for some reason and I was walking out and coming right back in less than 2 seconds...LITERALLY (notice the urgency to explain myself, which means I'm a little guilt-ridden)! I walk out of the room, hear a drawer open from our double-wide dresser.  I say, "Luke, close the drawer," as I walk into his room, grab something, and begin to turn around to walk back, I hear a noise...the biggest crash

"Good Morning, Good Morning..."

As the song from Singing in the Rain plays in the background, I wake to the sound of my sweet little bundle of joy (who is not so little anymore).  I gaze over to the clock in a morning haze and realize it says...6 o'clock! Really!?!?!  This early? Hmmm... maybe I was hearing things.  So, I turn over, pull the covers up, and the crying persists.  I guess it's time to "wakey, wakey". It is so hard sometimes to muster the strength and energy to pull myself out of bed, or to go to him when he's woken too early from a nap.  He should be asleep!  What is this nonsense?  Then I realize he's a person too, and could quite possibly not feel well.  How frustrated would you be if you couldn't convey to a person what was wrong? There is the verse "Children are a gift from the Lord;  They are a reward from Him." Psalm 127:3.  Sometimes, this is very hard to remember.  Like when they've thrown their food/utensils/cups on the ground for the hundredth t

going hungry

Do any of us really understand what it means to go hungry?  Because of certain economic circumstances some of us may, but I have to say most of the people I know, have not really GONE hungry. Most of the people I know have a house/place with heat, are not worrying about when the paycheck is coming or when they will be eating again.  I'd say most of the people I know are "fortunate."  I don't really like to speak about political issues, but I have a hard time understanding why this is a political issue?  Is it really because SO many people planned poorly and continue to do so?  Is it because they are lazy?  Is it just the hand they were dealt?  I'm not sure it's really any one of those things...maybe a compilation of some, but not black and white FOR SURE, 100% one reason! Some Americans who have poor health issues, based more around nutrition and exercise, are also considered poverty level as far as economic status.  Their health issues also contribute to's making me late.

Before you read this, do you have all your Christmas decor put away? If so, then BRAVO!  If not then kudos to you to being a procrastinator! EVERY year I feel the same way about putting Christmas decorations away...I hate it!  I hate taking down, the lights outside, because it's flippin' freezing!  I hate bringing all the boxes out, only to put them right back away.  I hate what putting them away actually means...Christmas, my favorite time of year, is OVER! I LOVE everything about Christmas: the family time the cookies the traditions the ornaments the cheeriness of some the generosity bestowed to others the family time the cookies (oops...did I mention those twice?) Every year I am faced with this conundrum: to put up or not?  That is the question.  And I always there any other answer? "YES is being my answer" (if you are a fan of romantic comedies, I actually just quoted one...twenty points for you if you know to which movie I am referrin

that stinky feeling

So, it's the eve before everyone returns to work and a regular schedule or "routine" as we professionals call it;) BOOOOOO :( This "stinky feeling" overcomes me in the pit of my stomach.  I think most people qualify it as depression (maybe I should get some Abilify to make this little rain cloud disappear).  I have always had this feeling when I have to leave people whose company makes me feel alive, safe, funny, comfortable, warm, and loved inside.  I can remember as early as 4 years of age having this feeling.  It's safe to say, I'm attached to people!  It's this ugly gut-wrenching feeling in my stomach.  It makes my mood "swing", turns my stomach into knots and even makes my eyes do this funny watery thing (very weird).  This feeling slightly overcomes me even when I am just leaving a family function or friendly party.  I...JUST...CAN'T...BREAK...AWAY!  What is wrong with me? I've come to a's because I jus