
Showing posts from 2011

the meaning of quiet

Quiet...:) Quiet...:/ QQUUUUIIIIIEEEEETTTT!!!!!! As soon as you have a child, the meaning of quiet is greatly altered.  The, what you thought were, quietest things seem extremely loud:  the bark of a neighbors dog the sound of the air conditioner/heater kicking on the mailman delivering to the mailbox (which is about 40 feet from our front door) a bird chirping the water running the dishwasher in quiet mode a whisper the garbage collector All these things become something...quite different in a mother's eyes: A LOUD BEAR GROWLING THE SOUND OF A SPACE ROCKET LAUNCHING THE SOUND OF A NASCAR SPEEDWAY A PTERODACTYL SCREECHING FOR ITS PREY NIAGRA FALLS AN INDUSTRIAL WASHING MACHINE ON OVERLOAD SOMEONE YELLING AT A CONCERT THE SOUNDS FROM A SCRAP-METAL YARD I can remember a scenario that ALMOST played out when Luke was only a few month old.  I was up feeding Luke for his nightly feeding.  He ate so peacefully and was pretty much asleep (mind you it is 4 a.m, thi

30 Days of Yoga

I LOVE spending time with my husband.  I mean who could be more fun?  He just gets me and my humor and vice-verse (I think :/).  However, I think we have a conversation that goes like this quite often: Me: "Where are you going?" Tim: "I don't know, downstairs I guess." Me: as I say with a pouty face "ooookk..." Tim: "Do you have a better idea." Me: "No, but I want to spend time with you.  We don't spend enough time together." Tim: "Tell me what you want to do!" Me: and now we're yelling at each other, "I don't know!  I JUST WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU!" We usually end up doing something, and sometimes nothing.  If you know anything about Tim, you know he's fairly energetic and needs A LOT of exercise.  Think of the most athletic, active person you know and then double that...that's about how much exercise Tim needs.  We bike together, hike together, play soccer, kayak, canoe, swim, r

it's beginning to feel like Christmas

So, it's finally Christmas Eve and it actually feels like it.  For a while there it was so warm in Cincy that it didn't quite put a person in the Christmas spirit.  I've done everything I can to make it festive around here.  We've made all our favorite cookies, visited the Cinergy Train Display (twice), went to the Festival of Lights, decorated the house, saw Santa (and boy was it memorable), drove thru Holiday in Lights at Sharon Woods, and even watched Curious George's Christmas show about 31 times!  I've wrapped all the presents and made ready for breakfast in the morning.  I get so excited with the anticipation for this evening and tomorrow morning.  There is just something very magical about it all. Now that I've finsihed all I "needed" to do, I think back to my childhood.  Honestly, the things I remember getting most excited about are people opening up the gifts that I gave them or just being with my family...if you know me at all you know

dancing and singing

One of my most favorite memories, "when I grow up"  will most certainly be Tim, Luke and I dancing, singing, clapping and looking like fools together (if anyone was watching in the windows Tim and I might look like something you see on Yo-Gaba-Gaba...hopefully not as annoying :/). There is nothing that brings our little guy more joy than music.  Ever since he was an infant, music has calmed him and made him smile.  You can just see the music overtake him and then eventually, after he comes out of a musical trans, a great smile comes over his face and he begins bobbing, dancing, waving all at the same time. Who woulda thunk?  I mean, it's not like Tim enjoys playing music and I certainly could not ever dream of dancing!  RIGHT?!?!?!  That would be a big NO!  I've been dancing and singing since I can remember.  I used to dress up in my slips (which looked like tu-tu's to me) and put on my ballet slippers and would dance thru our hallways.  I know fo

Those little 'uns

Children really do hold a special place in my heart.  They make me feel young, energetic, happy, upset, frustrated, scared, over-joyed, proud...and many other feelings that I cannot even express.  In response to me saying, "I love kids at this age," I think I've heard one of my sisters say,"Elly, you say that about every age."  What can I say, I love 'em (as I say this with a face your Great-Aunt Margaret would make as she clenches her teeth and then leans in to kiss you and pinch your cheek)! There are many things that amaze me about them...their eagerness and excitement for something new...their ability to make friends quickly...their smiling faces...their visual display of learning...their ability to make light of a situation that might otherwise be upsetting...their ability to comfort for those they care...and I think my list could go on and on.  Among all these qualities of children, I think the one that seems to astound me EVERY time would be their u

The first of many...hopefully

After much thinking, hemming, and hawing, I decided blogging would become my new years resolution.  I am going to attempt to write as much as I can, as cleverly as I can, and maybe someday, I'll inform someone of this little blog thingy. There is so much pressure... pressure to edit correctly... pressure to be funny... pressure of new things! IT'S SO MUCH PRESSURE! Enjoyment should be the name of the game, so that's what I'm going to do.  Enjoy my writing, I think I'm funny anyway:) I hope to include my friends, family and those not so friendly (maybe) in many anecdotes.  I've always enjoyed writing in my journal, but never for others before.  So, here it goes.  My best foot forward!  I...WILL...PERSEVERE! This blog will certainly challenge me...but I'm always up for a good challenge.  Especially one that no one knows about and I can be my own critic. So, if you've stumbled across this, bear with me.  Hope the next post