
Showing posts from 2014

Will they know

Will they know... how my heart yearns for them after they have been away for only a night? that while they were sick I held them and still kissed them even though they smelled rancid? who tucked them in and kissed them goodnight while they slept? how much my heart hurts when they are hurting? how often I pray for them to have a heart for the Lord? how often I pray for patience to show them unconditional love? how much I want them to be caring and have a thankful heart? the planning that went into each of the crafts and lessons I toiled over? the arguments that I dropped because I knew it wasn't worth fighting over? the times we made cookies because it left them joyful and me full? how I held them while they were angry or sad? how many nights/days I spent holding them so their precious body didn't have to touch the floor, by choice? how protective I am of them? that I tried to create independence in them? how much control I had to let go of so that they could bec

Character counts...but not when you need to win

Luke's character qualities become ever more apparent as time flies by. It also becomes more apparent that we have the same qualities, good and bad:) Every morning before dropping Luke off at his preschool classroom, we go over what his behavior should vaguely look like for the day. It usually goes something like this: Me: "What are supposed to remember when you're away from Mommy?" Luke: "I need to make good choicesssss...listen to teachers...and not pinch my friends when we dance."  Me: "Ok, those are all good things to remember. Also, be kind with your body and words" Luke: "Ok mommy!  Have a good day!" Carolyn and I leave and do amazing things while he is away, you know like grocery shopping! When I return to the school to retrieve my son he almost always comes out of the room happy to see me and is yelling, "Hi Mommy!  I'm so glad to see you. I made good choices today!" Sometimes his teacher nods and agrees and other tim


I don't know how, but some people are born with this ability to completely quote movies.  Word for word, no faltering, they can remember exactly how it was said in the movie.  I am not one of these people.  Even the girly movies that I have seen a bazillion times, I can never seem to quote from them when appropriate.  And when I go out on a limb to try and sound funny, I stumble all over myself and it ends up coming out as word barf!  My son, however is able to quote movies, and even applies the quote to a situation that relates.  Here is how a conversation at breakfast went this morning: After asking Luke three separate times (of course while I'm making lunches and emptying the dishwasher all at the same time) what he wanted for breakfast, he finally answers with a growl and pursed lips, "Strawberries and eggs."  So what do I do, I make eggs and a side of blueberries.  That's what he said right? I bring his plate to the table.  He finally comes to the table a

The Holidays

The fall and into the holidays I feel like we go not stop speed with trying to get everything festive in before the end of the year.  Plus I love to do all the festive things.  I was planning to do a creative post of 25 days of Christmas...but, that never happened.  So I'm just going to give some highlights with maybe a few comments (funny ones if you're lucky) in between. Luke was super into Christmas this year.  He is so enthusiastic about most things, but the morning he woke up to a house full of Christmas decorations he was especially sweet.  "Mommy mommy mommy!!!  I just LOVE my Christmas. I just love it!  It's a special treat for me!,"he says jumping up and down with his eyes tightly shut and mouth moving faster than his little brain synapses could connect. I have always loved Christmas, probably because my mom tried to do as many festive things as she could.  I'm glad he's just as excited about it as I am.  I mean someone else in this family