
Showing posts from February, 2012

It's happened again!

I've caught the bug...I'm preggo again (and not just hungry for the canned pasta sauce).  I'm actually fo' real pregnant!  AHHHHHH!!!!  What have I done? No seriously, I am very excited for this new baby.  I LOOOOOOOVE Babies.  I love their smell, their wrinkly bodies, the breast feeding, the rocking, the singing, hmmmmmm, need I go on? However, right from the start this baby is already different.  I feel more nauseous than I did when I carried Luke (maybe it's a girl?).  My energy level is nil.  I'm not sure if that's because I have Luke to chase around this time?  I was chasing around 12 1st graders before, so it can't be that much different.  I have little to no appetite.  I haven't gained any weight (which is peculiar, considering I do this even when I'm not pregnant).  Poor Tim comes home from a day full of work and swoops in to make it all better (he's the bestest!). We found out the day after I got sick in my exercise class.  It