what's important here?

I'm really good at comparing myself to others and then putting myself down and belittling my efforts.  It's really easy for me to get stressed about what others are doing with their kids and then feeling like I need to as well.  So I thought I'd make of list of comparisons as to what is REALLY important to me and what is not.

Reading to my children is important;
     getting my child to read before Kindergarten is not.
Having enough is important;
     having more than I know to do with is not.
Playing with my children is important;
     playing an organized game with many objectives for learning is not.
Keeping in touch with people is important;
     updating Facebook incessantly is not.
Feeding my children is important (preferably healthy food);
     feeding them homemade, everything from scratch, ALL THE TIME is not.
Sleeping is important;
     sleeping 8 hours is not important...thaaaat's why we have coffee, PTL!
Kids sleeping is important;
     specific sleep methods are not important...just whatever method worked for you.
Happy memories with my children and family are important;
     Pinterest created memories with pictures to document each happening are not.
Pictures are important;
     pictures of children with different filters and professionally made are not...I'm lucky if they sit still.
Helping people is important;
     helping others ALL the time over family time is not (this is a reminder for my people pleasing).
Reading for yourself is important;
     reading what's mainstream or for knowledge is not, always ;).
Having a house, food, car, and clothing are important;
     having more house than I can clean, food that spoils, a luxury car, and designer clothes are not.
Loving my kids is important;
     enabling them is not.
Praying with my children and showing them God's love is important;
     rules and traditions just because "that's how we've always done it" is not.
Giving my children a good education is important;
     giving my children a "five star" education is not....education is what you make of it.
Teaching my children respect and kindness for another human is important;
     making it to the top no matter who you step on is not.
Giving to others the "extras" that God has blessed you is important;
     keeping it all for a rainy day for yourself is not. 
Enjoying the simplicities in life is important;
     overdoing EVERYTHING is not.
Cleaning enough so that you are not a star of "Hoarders" is important;
     spick and span, every hour of the day is not.
Teaching my children diversity is important;
     staying in my comfort zone is not.
Messes that induce fun are important;
     how long it will take you to clean up after is not.
Cuddling is important;
     smothering is not.
Wine...wine is VERY important;
     drinking heavily EVERY night is not.
Love is important...comparing is not...and that is all.


  1. YES to all of this! It's so easy as moms to get caught up in comparison, which means nothing. Thanks for the reminder about what's really important! I think you're an above awesome mom and I love you! I also love drinking wine with you. ;)

    1. Aww! I love you too! Jule, you are always cool as a cucumber and I looooove drinking wine with you. We should do that soon!


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