for the name of silly putty

What person, in their right mind would buy a child, under the age of 6 SILLY PUTTY?!!?!?!

My mother, that's who...oh wait she's a grandma, and does just about anything for me and my kids, so I guess she gets a pass (I really do love you mom).  BUT, if you are a mother of young ones..proceed with caution!

If you have the time to sit and supervise the playing with silly putty, then by all means, buy it.  But, if you expect them to be able to keep track of it...nuh-uh...just don't.

People...I lost all sense of being a human being the other day over silly putty...I went from nice, friendly Mommy:

to crazy person that may or may not be an alien:

You know why? Because, the havoc it ensues upon my house, I have endured before.  I remember...not fondly...trying everything to get silly putty out of the shorts pocket that my child "saved" it in....which somehow cannot be removed by any means possible BUT I assure you, can metastasize to any other piece of clothing/cloth.

This is how it usually plays out...

I hide the containers after I have collected each one from the previous time...and yet they are found (one would think I would just throw them away, but mom guilt is just too strong).

They come pleading to me to play with them.

I give them STRICT instructions that if the silly putty is found on the floor, in the carpet, in clothes, on a blanket...they shall meet their doom...they are 2, 4, and 6, simple enough instructions, right!?!?! WRONG, I was WRONG!

I need to get some kind of task completed, like categorizing receipts, laundry, dishes, changing bed-sheets for the 3rd time that day...the usual...and I think to myself, "maybe this will give me time to complete A task?"

So I go about my business hearing things like, "WOAH!  That went really far!" or "See how high I can frow my puddy, Mom!" or "would you like to try a bite of my cheese I cut for you?" or "watch out for the GRENADES! PSHEW! PSHEW!"

I finish my task.  The kids are happy.  I'm happy.  Until I hear...

"Mom, ummm, I think I have gum stuck to my sock?!?!"


I go into the bathroom and Carolyn has it all over the bottom of her sock...which means she stepped in it somewhere...

The hunt begins!  I lost it full scale...end of days...boot-camp....lost it.

The interrogation begins, because of course no one remembers where the THREE containers of it are at the moment!

"Where did you play with it last? Why did you take it downstairs? And then what? Why did you cut it like cheese? And then what did you do?  Where were the grenades? WHY CAN"T YOU REMEMBER?!?!?!  You'd BETTER remember!  It's a good thing for you that I love Jesus!"

And then, my foot...steps in it too.  My new Target brand house shoes, which I really needed because my old ones had things stuck to them too, had silly putty stuck to the bottom of it.

If I could have taken a picture of my son's face in that moment, because all Luke could say was, "Oh my goodness...oh my goodness...she's really mad"  Because he knew what would happen.

Mom had to use scissors to cut it out of the CARPET, and off the bottom of my slipper.  Everyone gets a nap, Mom gets a nap and coffee, and the silly putty...met its demise in the TRASH! Rimshot, never to be seen again.  This is the last time the silly putty will be in my house...

Now you've been warned...beware of the silly putty.


  1. At least Until grandma buys more

  2. You think I'm hard to control, you weren't on my end of Bobbie


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