
Showing posts from July, 2015

To My Friend at the Play Date

To my friend at the play date.... ...I am so sorry that I never get a chance to be fully present.  We used to be able to talk about everything, each taking our own turn at giving advice and taking it.  Now, our lives are different with these beautiful little ones consuming each and every happy and sad moment.  But within each moment are small moments that can still be filled... ....please don't stop telling me your stories.  Funny, sad, embarrassing, I want to hear it!  Even though we have been interrupted for the uptenth time, I REALLY want to hear it.  One thing that makes me so sad after a play date is how many stories I realized were just left hanging and I didn't get each important tidbit.  So please, don't stop telling the story because I REALLY want to hear it.  I want to know what is going on with you. ...I apologize for texting you one million questions right after seeing you.  But yet again, those little gems interrupted us with hunger pains, and yelling, an

God made me with you in mind

This was supposed to be a tribute for Mother's Day, but apparently I got a little busy.  I guess better late than never. Today is Mother's Day and I have truly been spoiled by my husband and children.  I find so many things for which I am thankful.  But the thing that is most overwhelming today is how I see the Lord made me with my Mother and Mother-In-Law in mind.   They each are wonderful examples of Faith and being servants.  Each serve others without complaint because it is truly their hearts desire to serve others, and that it pleases our God. Each have shaped MY faith in more ways than most people. Each give LOVE unconditionally, just as Jesus asks us to. Each of them love each of their children differently and embrace their strengths and lift-up their weaknesses. Each one of them shows wise submission to their husbands, and yet are some of the strongest, smartest, and most independent women I know. Each one prays without ceasing. Each one