adventures in clicklisting

So, I love the "pull-up and receive my groceries without even stepping foot out of my car indulgence"

...but each indulgence comes with a consequence...or maybe a few...

I am QUEEN of awkward interactions - and I am an outward processor so I outwardly process the awkward moment usually RIGHT in front of the person I had the awkward moment with - make sense?  Pretty much, I'm a weirdo, and I'm ok with it because hilarious things happen and I get a front row seat to the chaos.

So, when I pull up for my hand delivered groceries I think to myself, "This is extra time I have to...reply to an email...check Facebook...take a picture and send it to my friend...take a video to send to my friend...sing a crazy whack song with my kids just to have fun..."

and it never fails...

The poor person delivering my groceries catches me off guard - which I'm not sure why because it's not like I didn't know they were coming - and it's like awkward magic.

This picture was happening when I finally realized someone was standing outside my window
into yourself much, Elly?!?! And really, how many patterns could I be wearing?

I don't think the guy was as surprised that I was taking a selfie, but I think he was more alarmed at the crazy lady behind the window!

And then there is the song belting to "What does the fox say?!?!" that brings out my inner 9 year old girl...let me tell ya...pausing a song when you're in the middle of "neh-neh-neh-neh-neh-neh-neh-neh" is not my best singing performance, but something in me wanted to continue singing because the nice lady just laughed when I laughed.

And then there is the time I was taking a cute pic of myself while waiting for the wonderful grocery fairy - on my way home for date night after dropping off kids.  I was on a "I'm kid free" high and I think I accidentally winked at the 17 year old boy.  I believe I said something to my friend when I was explaining the awkward moment later on like this:

I might get a bit of a kick out of making awkward interactions with people I don't know...huh, 
who woulda thunk!?!?

And then there is also the time I believe I was yelling at my son because he wanted to get out and "help" and I yelled something close to this...

I'm sure that's exactly what the poor grocery attendant wants to hear as they roll up with your loot to load it into your wonderful, clean, smell free van...mmmmhmmmm

All I have to say is...

I hope I'm making someone's day!

Cheers to the grocery fairy!


  1. Oh my goodness, laughing my ass off!!! You are hillarious and I know your laugh would make me laugh even harder!!!!


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