
Showing posts from July, 2012

Stepping out

So yesterday, for the first time ever, I prayed to ask God to heal someone...IN PUBLIC.  It was a very humbling experience. I have always been worried that I won't pray well on behalf of God; that I would be a terrible example of public prayer. It's certainly not like in the movies where you see people speak in tongues or have an immediate, miraculous epiphany or healing.  The message was about stepping out on our "Faith".  The Pastor asked people to stand who had some type of physical pain or ailment.  Right before he had mentioned this, I had asked God to show me how to be a little more selfless and step out on my faith.  Well, so be it, two ladies stood up right next to me.  It was like God was saying, "OK, here you go.  Now don't be a wuss and punk out on me." So, naturally I felt as if I needed to do something.  The Pastor made it very clear that this was not to be a performance of speaking in tongues or any kind of show; this was to be to Glorify