
Showing posts from February, 2020

To all the youth leaders...thank you!

Most recently a dear friend of ours passed away. She was such a light.  From a young age, Jan and Tim both took an interest in me.  Not just me though.  They saw value in all of the youth.  They encouraged us, told us hard truths, stayed up late to keep us honest on trips, and always provided a welcoming smile and face when our paths would cross again. She is a bright light that will surely be missed.  What a legacy of a servanthood, encouragement, support, and example of what a faith filled person emanates. Today she will be laid to rest and I will surely see others that ALSO served valiantly in our youth ministry. And to them I am ever thankful. Here are some words from Jan and Tim as they shared how important the youth program was for them. I was part of a youth program at Westwood United Methodist Church that I am for certain helped support me and guide me through my high school and college years. It gave me a community when I didn't find one at my school. It gave me mentors

Purple Cabbage and Quinoa 

This recipe was given to me by a friend, Tori. She pushes me to try new foods that are simple and always with more than a motive of “it just tastes good.” She eats food with purpose and the bonus is it always tastes great. This recipe makes enough for Tim and I to have dinner and about 2 lunches each for the week. So thanks, Tori, for this simple, tasty recipe. Recipe: Ingredients: 1 large container of vegetable broth 1 purple cabbage, rough chopped  Garlic powder Salt 2 cups dry quinoa 4 cups of the vegetable broth from large container.  Garlic Salt Olive oil Balsamic vinegar *Parmesan shredded cheese, if desired. I used dairy free shreds. Begin by heating about 1/2 cup of vegetable broth in a large sauté pan. Bring to a boil.  Add chopped purple cabbage. Sprinkle garlic and salt over top. Give a stir. Cover and reduce to a simmer. Simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally    While cabbage is cooking, in a separate sauce pan, bring 4 cups of v