
Showing posts from January, 2014


I don't know how, but some people are born with this ability to completely quote movies.  Word for word, no faltering, they can remember exactly how it was said in the movie.  I am not one of these people.  Even the girly movies that I have seen a bazillion times, I can never seem to quote from them when appropriate.  And when I go out on a limb to try and sound funny, I stumble all over myself and it ends up coming out as word barf!  My son, however is able to quote movies, and even applies the quote to a situation that relates.  Here is how a conversation at breakfast went this morning: After asking Luke three separate times (of course while I'm making lunches and emptying the dishwasher all at the same time) what he wanted for breakfast, he finally answers with a growl and pursed lips, "Strawberries and eggs."  So what do I do, I make eggs and a side of blueberries.  That's what he said right? I bring his plate to the table.  He finally comes to the table a

The Holidays

The fall and into the holidays I feel like we go not stop speed with trying to get everything festive in before the end of the year.  Plus I love to do all the festive things.  I was planning to do a creative post of 25 days of Christmas...but, that never happened.  So I'm just going to give some highlights with maybe a few comments (funny ones if you're lucky) in between. Luke was super into Christmas this year.  He is so enthusiastic about most things, but the morning he woke up to a house full of Christmas decorations he was especially sweet.  "Mommy mommy mommy!!!  I just LOVE my Christmas. I just love it!  It's a special treat for me!,"he says jumping up and down with his eyes tightly shut and mouth moving faster than his little brain synapses could connect. I have always loved Christmas, probably because my mom tried to do as many festive things as she could.  I'm glad he's just as excited about it as I am.  I mean someone else in this family