
Showing posts from August, 2013

More from Potty Training

****** MORE POTTY LANGUAGE.  If you are not comfortable with it, get over it, it's my life right now.**** Luke has done and AWESOME job with potty training.  He really hasn't had very many accidents to speak of and pretty much decided on his own that he was going to go diaper free.  I was expecting him to be very stubborn about the whole process, but he really has done a great job.  All in all, I'm impressed with my son.  He is a tremendous potty trainee.  However, there are a few things that make me say he's not 100% potty trained: he's 2...I mean there are not many 2 year old boys, in my career as a teacher, whom are perfectly potty trained.  Since he's 2 he is also very unpredictable/unreliable! because he's so young, his little arm does not reach around to his bottom to wipe.  So he still needs help with wiping. he also is not tall enough to stand and pee nor is he able to get up onto the potty without his pants falling off.  So he needs

I should really pay more attention to my children

****WARNING!  This has potty language.  Not cursing, but literal potty language  So if you are uncomfortable with it, don't read it.***** Luke is pretty well potty trained.  He has accidents every now and then, but they mainly happen because I've forgotten to ask him if he needs to go and we are nowhere near a bathroom, or he is having too much fun to be bothered to stop and pee himself (this is another post;)).  We have a small potty in the bathroom for him to use during the day just for his pee breaks.  He will run in and use it without me even knowing, with the exception of his white naked butt making an appearance.  I have been thinking that maybe we don't need this potty anymore in the bathroom since he is doing so well, but it makes things very convenient.  Plus Carolyn is becoming ever more curious and follows Luke everywhere.  However, the potty still sits in its spot in the bathroom. The other day they were being especially sweet and playing with each other ve


Tim and I recently had a child-free morning, thanks to my parents.  On this early morning we were able to drink coffee without a worry of it being spilled, go back for a second cup, walk around naked....(Just kidding;).  We also spent the whole morning whilst drinking our coffee, on the front porch talking for almost 2 hours.  This is a VERY rare occasion.  Not just because of children, but life and all the distractions it holds.  Which got us talking about some goals we decided we wanted to instil as a family.  We tried to make goals that are realistic and attainable, yet challenging. So here they are: All snacks must be portioned out (No bag or jar eating)...and at least 15 minutes between snacks.  This goal is mainly for Tim and I because the kids are growing, they don't have any obesity issues that I'm aware and Tim and I tend to snack after the kids have gone to bed. No T.V. watching 2 nights a week .  Tim and I are so tired by the end of the day that we just sit and v

Questions and comments

With Luke's new vocabulary questions have come.  He doesn't even stop to listen to the answer I am giving him and he's already asking another.  He also makes the most random comments and remarks out of nowhere.  Here are just some of my favorites: While watching a show about dinosaurs, "Mommy, what dat species?" "No, dat silly mommy.  I'ma sillwe monkey." "dah-hah, me feet stinky!" while running to an air-show, "Me LOVE see aiw-panes fly! Phshuuuuuu on a phone call with Mammie discussing what he saw at the air-show, "Me see jets, aiw-panes, racie cars, super guys, helwecopters, and SPACESHIP!  Phshuuuuuu!" if he seems absent mindedabout anything he snickers a little smile and says, "Ha, me forgot!" like it was such a surprise to him. after a long walk with with G-pa he came back and said, "Mammie, me walk weallwee farrr.  My legs so tired!" and my favorite: whilst playing or being corrected