
Showing posts from November, 2015

let 'em flow

So, praying for people... Sometimes I'm great at it and sometimes...not so much I LOVE prayer and praying for others.  The high that I get when God's words touch my lips so that he can bless someone is overwhelming.  He needs communication from us and some of the most powerful prayer is surrounded by other believers.  I love the feeling God gives me when the Holy Spirit enters a room and is helping guide prayer, and working on those receiving prayer.  It just makes me happy inside. Public prayer can make people so uncomfortable...including myself. Thoughts just flood my mind: should you close your eyes...should you open your eyes...what if I say something that offends someone...what if I don't say anything at all...should I touch this they need a hug...should I stop praying...should I offer to pray...what if I cry... and that last one...that's the one that gets me.  Every.  Single.  Time. I am a cryer.  I cry about EVERYTHING!  Happy, sad, surprised