
Showing posts from May, 2015

Mighty Power

My church is a wonderful place.  There are so many different people in so many different places in their walks with God.  They focus on love and truth and right now, the Holy spirit is moving.  All the while, my children are witnessing and watching adults and children serve and love their Lord with great zeal, intensity, and yearning.  I am so proud of this!  I am so overwhelmed in the way God works through the hearts of all the volunteers and leaders and I only hope that my children continue to have seeds planted in their hearts.  This week the church is REALLY focusing on worship.  Worship is such a precious time for me.  I feel so close and so engaged with God.  I am always overwhelmed with the love that He shows me. I'm not sure why, but just the thought about His love being unconditional, no strings attached, just floors me. He wants me to want Him and I do...I so ever do.  I feel the closest to God when I am in deep worship.  The thing is my kids don't get to see that p


What are these things, boundaries, that people speak of?  Sometimes the word seems so foreign and almost disrespectful when uttered.  However, boundaries can be so freeing and can help you take ownership of your life, thus making you happy.  I really enjoy helping and doing things for others.  I would classify myself as an Extrovert.  I enjoy being with people and doing new things.  Sometimes though, I let this get in the way of my close relationships.  My husband is an Introvert and is really good about drawing boundaries.  I, on the other hand, do not.  I think we are a good match though, because I push him to do things he may not otherwise, and he helps reign me in when I over-commit our schedule.  Over the years, Tim has helped me realize that boundaries are OK and good for us. It doesn't seem natural to me, but explanations of why we are not volunteering or attending a gathering is not needed.  When I apologize and explain why we are not committing, it almost sounds as if I am