
Showing posts from February, 2018

The ebbs and flow of life

Normal is relative... Regular - to an extent - is relative... Without context most circumstances are relative. Before kids I was busy and tired. After kids I'm busy and tired. I don't think either was more or less tiring, it was just different times of my life and different energy was needed for what I was accomplishing for the day. This can be said for my time with Jesus. I have always wanted to spend time with him.  But my time availability is all relative.  And excuses can be made for each time of my life for not meeting with Him enough...but in reality, it's what I had energy for...and I think as long as you are pursuing Him, it is enough.  It is not a measured work of actions how much time you spend with Him.  Each person is different and each relationship with Jesus is unique.  Not everyone comes to him in the same way.  And I have not been able to always continue my routines whether they required more or less time. Change has been inevitable. As a mom with an

adventures in clicklisting

So, I love the "pull-up and receive my groceries without even stepping foot out of my car indulgence" ...but each indulgence comes with a consequence...or maybe a few... I am QUEEN of awkward interactions - and I am an outward processor so I outwardly process the awkward moment usually RIGHT in front of the person I had the awkward moment with - make sense?  Pretty much, I'm a weirdo, and I'm ok with it because hilarious things happen and I get a front row seat to the chaos. So, when I pull up for my hand delivered groceries I think to myself, "This is extra time I have to...reply to an email...check Facebook...take a picture and send it to my friend...take a video to send to my friend...sing a crazy whack song with my kids just to have fun..." and it never fails... The poor person delivering my groceries catches me off guard - which I'm not sure why because it's not like I didn't know they were coming - and it's like awkward magic.