
Showing posts from 2016

Southwest Soup

I love making large pots of any kind of meal.  The ones you can just keep adding to till they grow to the size you need.  My grandma had a POT.  You know, THE pot.  The only pot large enough to make food for our "family" get-togethers.  This pot is so large that you may have only seen them in large industrial kitchens...I'm not even sure how it fit under her 4-burner range?!?!?!  But she always made plenty.  I have a pot, but it is the nesting pot compared to my Grandma's pot.  I had a large amount of friends coming over and I wanted leftovers too. (their kiddos too, but what kiddo, at a play date with 22 other children wants to sit and eat soup?).  Hopefully, once distractions are gone, my children will eat this soup.  It was tasty.  This is a one pot, and grow as big as you like recipe.  I think I could have made it spicier but with a big crowd you never know.  You could also use this for your leftover turkey meat from Thanksgiving Day and would be easy enough

moving forward

I'm not sure I would have been happy with either outcome of this years election.  I've heard lots of comments like: " it's the lesser of two evils....we've had corrupt presidents in the past and lived through it...abortion shouldn't even be on the ballot... " and on and on the remarks for one side or the other go.  All the while each person trying to feel better about this situation.  All the while putting others down for not choosing their same side.  These past couple months I feel as if kind, intellectual conversation is on the demise and that corruption, money, and power seem to be at the forefront of everything.  And in the midst of all this awful talk, compassion is hard to find.  Wednesday, everything I was reading or hearing from friends put my heart through the ringer.  I didn't get much accomplished besides dinner made and cleaned up.  I wasn't just sad for the outcome, but for how people AFTER the outcome were treating each other.  After

Shower Troubles

Have you ever gotten to such an age where it feels somewhat silly to not be able to properly perform a you never ask anyone? Cleaning the shower tiles is this for me... like, the hard scrubbing cleaning in the crevasses and corners that collect who knows what.  I never had a formal training on how to properly clean my shower... and I know this sounds ridiuclous, but I LOATHE cleaning the tile in the shower...probably more than I hate dusting (that's another story).   I'm sure there are youtube videos...but #Iaintgottimeforthat I would say my cleaning skills are ok...I mean I've never heard any complaints...and I have a little house...and I collect a lot of stuff...but underneath the stuff is usually clean. But the down and dirty cleaning that needs to happen about once every month... yeah, that's not my forte.  And I'm ok with that. However, this should probably be addressed, right?!?! I mean I spray with cleaner and wipe it down, but the gr

Good Night Sweetheart, Well It's Time to Go

Good night sweet heart, well it's time to go... Good night sweet heart, well it's time to go... I hate to leave you, I really must say, Oh, good night sweetheart, goodnight. Sad emoji face... Such sweet words... I sang this to all my sweet babies after they would fall asleep from a nightly feeding.  Oh how I enjoyed those feedings.  Maybe not the waking up part.  But most definitely the snuggling, and inhaling the sweet smell of that baby. I believe that this time has come to an end... I have been blessed with three beautiful babes and am so thankful for all their different characters and personalities.  But, I always, obviously not realistically, envisioned myself as a Mother of young children. so this is hard, people... We recently switched the nursery, that I so carefully planned, into my 4 yr old daughter's bedroom.  No more nursery.  I always knew that the end of my baby making years would be rough, but I did not expect to be as emotional as

What's your thing?

What's your thing? My thing is kids...little ones fo sho...especially if they aren't my own. and... I can throw-down with the best of them for Meal Makers of America  (I mean not Iron Chef worthy, but I could hang with SOMEONE off the food-network, I'm sure) But what are you good at? What's your jam? What gives you joy? What's your thing? Because I'm sure if you think it's good, then it probably is... hopefully you feel compelled to share it with someone. God gives us great talents and a discernible heart to know what to do with those talents. It pleases God and honors Him to use our talents to the best of our abilities. If you are musically inclined, play for someone and add in a prayer. If you are the master of folding a fitted sheet...props to you...fold some laundry for someone ( if you decide this is your gift, see me ASAP ) If the feather duster is just and extension of your arm and you move it in wondrous a lady out

Tomato Salad

Summertime is a great time for this tomato salad. The tomatoes are so fresh and meaty. I use this as a side dish for many of the cookouts that happen throughout the summer...super refreshing! This also makes a great salad topper. I don't have to put dressing or chop anything, just add a few nuts or olives or cheese and you've got your packed lunch! Or if you're like me and have little ones nipping at your heals this makes lunch for you super quick! My littlest loves this too.  Tomatoes...mmmmmmmm Recipe: 5 large tomatoes, chopped 2 Tbsp. Cilantro, chopped 1/4 cup Red onion, chopped 2 Tbsp. Olive oil 1 tsp Lime juice Salt Mix everything to your likeness (if you think it needs more or less of something do so:)). I think this is best served after it's been chilled. 

In the midst of it all

Parenting lately has been a little rough.  I have a toddler, who is cuddly, independent, and stubborn, a daughter who can be helpful, and dramatic when she is hangry and tired, and a Kindergartner who is smart, knows it all, impulsive, and thoughtful.  These personalities make for interesting days, and that's not even mentioning my personality traits (which some would say are a little on the "feeling" side).  And in the midst of it all... God is there... he is watching me he is protecting me he is wooing me he is teaching me he is showing me whom to love he is using me he is loving my children he is saving me and thank goodness for all of those things.  With these things he is molding me and my children.  And there is so much comfort knowing that he sees me even at my worst. he is watching me to see how much mercy and grace I will give my children when they spill their "whatever" for the 4th time before 9 am.  He is also watching me to know how mu

leading the way

I sit here on Father's Day alone with the kids.  Even though I've already celebrated with all the Dad's closest to me, I won't see any today. And they still love me and I know it.  There are many a great men in my life, but there are three that have stood the test of time.  All three are strangely similar and yet differ in many ways.  This would be my Father, my Husband, and my Father-In-Law. These three are all similar in one wonderful way: they are all men of God.  Warriors for us and for our hearts.  Loving us in Truth unconditionally.  I realize today how blessed I am.  Each one of these men follows God with their utmost.  These men consider God before all things.  They exhibit some of the same wonderful characteristics as our heavenly Father.  Each one of these men has lead me to be closer to God in some way, and continue to do so. Above all the mistakes I have made or they have made, this is the most important part of them to me.  So I thank you, Tim, Jack, an

today was ALMOST the day...

I was supposed to have surgery today... but God had bigger plans for me.  Bigger plans than I could have ever dreamed. They always say healing happens, and when it happens it is usually not just for physical healing but for some kind of transformation...well, He's been working on more than my wrist. About a year ago I tore cartilage in my wrist...opening salsa...I know, true story.  Who does that ?  Anyway, it became so painful that I went to a doctor and after a few tests decided that surgery was the next step.  The doctor left it up to me as to when I should have surgery...having an 18 month old and surgery don't really mix.  So I waited...talked to God a bit...waited... and the pain increased. I could no longer do a push-up, open a can of beans, garden, clean the house, shake an inhaler for my son, lift my toddler into his car seat, crab-walk across a gym, pretend to be a horse for my kids to ride, sleep through the night without waking in pain...on and on the list g

Good and Tasty Fruits

I've been convicted.  My heart needs a change.  At times, this mothering thing is more difficult than I would have ever thought.  I hate looking back on things and having regrets...and I indeed can think of many times when I have reacted in a way that brings me a feeling of regret.  None of them are some huge, tragic incident that deems this horrific display of parenting.  It's just the day-to-day simple life happenings - which shouldn't get me in such a tizzy - and yet I'm afraid that my children are going to remember me for these reactions instead of a graceful, patient, and merciful mom.  I can be better. I read a blog post on Momastery and she wrote about "Mompetition".  Moms performing and doing amazing things with their child, posting about it on Facebook, and her sarcastically saying that these moms are clearly doing all these things AT HER. Exercising...AT HER, cooking fabulous meals...AT HER...epic birthday parties...AT HER, breast/bottle feeding..

The Anything Topper

I'm always looking for a way to make something a little more festive, a little heartier.  I don't really care for just a plain hot dog and salsa is good, but it's always better with avocado.  I also generally eat a salad for lunch, but a lot of times, I don't have the time to chop everything right there on the spot.  So I make this salsa/topper (and I usually make a lot of it) and I can use it for various things during the week.  Preparation is key to me eating well during the week when things get so hectic.  Here are the various ways I eat this: on top of a hot dog/brat/sausage on top of a bed of lettuce as a salsa with chips (or just a fork) on tacos on top of a burrito Recipe for goodness: 2 avocados, sliced and cut into bit sized pieces 1 can of corn, drained 1 large tomato 1 red/orange/yellow pepper, chopped (just one, not one of each) 1/2 red onion, chopped 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 tsp. of Cumin Powder 1 tablespoon of olive oil or coconut