
Showing posts from August, 2017

Peach "Cobbler"

Alright. I'm on ANOTHER healthy binge of eating. But seriously, something has to be done about this "baby weight" that is now just "weight". And of course it's not just about the's just about being healthy, but I want to be healthy for awhile. So I'd like to get to a better starting point. So anyway. I've made some new goals for myself, maybe indefinitely, or just till Sept. 17th: No alcohol during the week, unless I worked out that day No sugar except for honey, and sparingly Exercising 3-4 times a week NO snacking at night except for plain, raw veggies, and then a glass of water and then MAYBE a fruit Track EVERYTHING I'm eating so I can keep a calorie count below 2000 Keeping breads to a minimum I have done pretty well so far. Keeping proteins and veggies first priority and I haven't had any sugar. The other day though I was way under the calorie count and decided I'd have a serving of I did.  I


The turmoil a parent feels on any "first" that happens to their child is least from my perspective. Your heart aches for them to stay little...for them to stay in the safety of your arms and your ever loving embrace...for them to never be jaded by the things of the world...for them to stay innocent in such a fast paced society...for them to just stay the way they are...for your role to stay the same and yet... your heart leaps for the thought of them making progress...that they won't be an enabled child...that with each step of independence the load for you is lightened by just a sliver of a hair...that THEY are excited to learn something the face of accomplishment in your young one...and for your role to change a bit. My oldest just experienced another first.  This year he began first grade.  Which means it is the beginning of him spending more time away from me than with me for a long time.  Which I understand is part of

Back to school

So far, pretty much every August, EVEN BEFORE kids, when I was a teacher...I get seriously bummmed. When I think about school starting up, I just grab the kid closest to me and give them a "hug of death"...insert children's eyeroll. I'm flooded with all kinds of emotions... about the responsibilities...the schedule...the time change (bleh)...earlier bedtimes...less time for adventures...less time with the kids...gotta be "on it" all the time...more commitments...homework...are they being challenged...are they being respectful...more independent actions from my kids (I mean he's gonna be gone ALLLLLL day this year!)... bleh, bleh, bleh I basically get the "blues" about having to adult. But I can't revel in the bummer attitude. So I do what puts my mind at peace...ORGANIZING.  I usually go over the top with systems to put in place in hopes that things run more smoothly. One year I tried to make freezer meals before the school y