it's beginning to feel like Christmas

So, it's finally Christmas Eve and it actually feels like it.  For a while there it was so warm in Cincy that it didn't quite put a person in the Christmas spirit.  I've done everything I can to make it festive around here.  We've made all our favorite cookies, visited the Cinergy Train Display (twice), went to the Festival of Lights, decorated the house, saw Santa (and boy was it memorable), drove thru Holiday in Lights at Sharon Woods, and even watched Curious George's Christmas show about 31 times!  I've wrapped all the presents and made ready for breakfast in the morning.  I get so excited with the anticipation for this evening and tomorrow morning.  There is just something very magical about it all.

Now that I've finsihed all I "needed" to do, I think back to my childhood.  Honestly, the things I remember getting most excited about are people opening up the gifts that I gave them or just being with my family...if you know me at all you know that I REALLY enjoy being with family.  So, as I think about this it also makes me think about God and how happy he must have been that wonderful first Christmas when he gave us, his creation, the ultimate gift of all...the gift of His son.  Imagine His eyes and the joy that He receives every time one of us accepts His gift into their wonder there is so much joy in meeting Jesus!  I LOVE giving presents to people and seeing them so happy when I think I've found the perfect gift.  I bet God's joy is many more times that than I am feeling.  He freely gives us this gift and does this so we can be closer to Him.  During this time of year we need to be more focused on the giving aspect instead of the receiving aspect.  God gives us blessing so that we may also bless others.  We are so focused on what we are going to make out with instead of what we can give others.  I too need to be better at this, we all do!  I pray that as my son grows older he gets as excited as I do to see others open the gifts he has picked for them.  Hopefully he'll be equally as excited to give to those that really need it.  I pray that he understands why we celebrate Christmas deep in his heart and reflects that throughout the year.  It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

p.s. as I write this Tim enters the room and tells me we just bought a water buffalo...GREAT!  Where are we going to put a water buffalo?


  1. What a gorgeous picture of Luke!!! And...a water buffalo? That sounds like a completely normal thing to purchase when you live in the suburbs.


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