30 Days of Yoga

I LOVE spending time with my husband.  I mean who could be more fun?  He just gets me and my humor and vice-verse (I think :/).  However, I think we have a conversation that goes like this quite often:

Me: "Where are you going?"
Tim: "I don't know, downstairs I guess."
Me: as I say with a pouty face "ooookk..."
Tim: "Do you have a better idea."
Me: "No, but I want to spend time with you.  We don't spend enough time together."
Tim: "Tell me what you want to do!"
Me: and now we're yelling at each other, "I don't know!  I JUST WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU!"

We usually end up doing something, and sometimes nothing.  If you know anything about Tim, you know he's fairly energetic and needs A LOT of exercise.  Think of the most athletic, active person you know and then double that...that's about how much exercise Tim needs.  We bike together, hike together, play soccer, kayak, canoe, swim, run, sing, dance, walk, and play with our son together.  But we wanted to do something we both REALLY wanted to do for ourselves, just us.  So, in lieu of new years resolutions, Tim and I have made a promise to each other.  WE ARE GOING TO DO 30 DAYS OF YOGA together starting... TODAY!  Tim has always needed extra stretching and strengthening, as do I.  It's just a plus that I LOVE Yoga.  AND, this might be something I could educate him on and be better at than him (which doesn't happen very often ;).  Although, if we do this long enough he might become better and more limber than me...but it's a long-shot!  BUT....that's not why I chose this particular activity to do with him ;)  I wanted to do something active with him and something we both would enjoy.

We did our first session today and it was a lot of fun.  I bought Tim his own Yoga mat for Christmas.  I couldn't let him use mine...his feet would be touching where my hands could possibly touch next...eeewww, kinda gross!  Hopefully we can edure this endeavor...and maybe even continue it further!  Tim was already talking about stepping it up a notch and doing a "Hot Yoga" (which involves steam, not x-rated images!)  He always has to take it to the next level.  I told him we need to perfect our technique before moving on and he was fine with that.  We'll see where this takes us next!


  1. Sam and I did Pilates for a few years and he loved it, that's a great healthy resolution!


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