The first of many...hopefully

After much thinking, hemming, and hawing, I decided blogging would become my new years resolution.  I am going to attempt to write as much as I can, as cleverly as I can, and maybe someday, I'll inform someone of this little blog thingy.

There is so much pressure...
pressure to edit correctly...
pressure to be funny...
pressure of new things!

Enjoyment should be the name of the game, so that's what I'm going to do.  Enjoy my writing, I think I'm funny anyway:)

I hope to include my friends, family and those not so friendly (maybe) in many anecdotes.  I've always enjoyed writing in my journal, but never for others before.  So, here it goes.  My best foot forward!  I...WILL...PERSEVERE!

This blog will certainly challenge me...but I'm always up for a good challenge.  Especially one that no one knows about and I can be my own critic.

So, if you've stumbled across this, bear with me.  Hope the next post is much more interesting:)


  1. i am really enjoying this, elly! keep it up!

  2. Yay! The hardest part is finding your "voice" and I think you already found it :)


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