dancing and singing

One of my most favorite memories, "when I grow up"  will most certainly be Tim, Luke and I dancing, singing, clapping and looking like fools together (if anyone was watching in the windows Tim and I might look like something you see on Yo-Gaba-Gaba...hopefully not as annoying :/).

There is nothing that brings our little guy more joy than music.  Ever since he was an infant, music has calmed him and made him smile.  You can just see the music overtake him and then eventually, after he comes out of a musical trans, a great smile comes over his face and he begins bobbing, dancing, waving all at the same time.

Who woulda thunk?  I mean, it's not like Tim enjoys playing music and I certainly could not ever dream of dancing!  RIGHT?!?!?!  That would be a big NO!  I've been dancing and singing since I can remember.  I used to dress up in my slips (which looked like tu-tu's to me) and put on my ballet slippers and would dance thru our hallways.  I know for a fact that Tim has enjoyed playing music for most of his life.  He was in the orchestra all thru school till his junior year. And all thru high school and part of college he was in a "garage band" with our friends.  I mean who else has a whole room, in a ranch house, devoted to your musical instruments?  Not many, but we do.  I think Tim enjoys music:)

Dancing to music happens quite often around here.  Just yesterday we were all downstairs "playing."  Luke was playing with all his toys as I wrapped presents and Daddy was banging away on his drums to some great songs.  As soon as Luke heard him playing he stood up and walked as fast as his little Frankenstein walk could take him to the wonderful noise coming from Daddy's room.  He stands at the door and says, "OOOOOO"  while banging his hands together and waving them in the air...I think he liked it!  It's not too long before I can't stand it anymore and put the present wrapping aside to go join my boys.  We dance and sing and Luke's face couldn't be more joyful...it's just emanating from every inch of him.  He loves being with us and especially when we are BOTH playing with him.  As we were dancing, I thought to myself, "what a great memory this will make." 

Luke enjoys any book that has a musical button and will ride in the car for long periods of time as long as music is playing.  Sometimes as I'm driving and thinking, I'll hear him trying to sing along, as best a 13 month old can sing to a song.  He's too precious.  Yesterday, we sat in our round chair, just he and I, singing songs and practicing clapping our hands.  If I would stop he would say, "Again?"  Who can say no to that?

Every time we are dancing and singing, I think about getting the camera and capturing my boys.  However, something overcomes me telling me not to because then I might miss something as well...and I certainly don't want to miss any of the dancing or singing!  So I don't have a picture or video of us dancing.  But, I do have a video of Luke singing, "E-i-e-i-o".  Right before I took this video he was singing over and over and this doesn't quite show his excitement, but it's still cute.


  1. It's so hard to capture the best moments on film! That's why you have this blog now, so you can record the memories that the cameras miss :)

    PS my nephew is adorable :)


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