Shower Troubles

Have you ever gotten to such an age where it feels somewhat silly to not be able to properly perform a you never ask anyone?

Cleaning the shower tiles is this for me...

like, the hard scrubbing cleaning in the crevasses and corners that collect who knows what.  I never had a formal training on how to properly clean my shower...

and I know this sounds ridiuclous, but I LOATHE cleaning the tile in the shower...probably more than I hate dusting (that's another story).   I'm sure there are youtube videos...but #Iaintgottimeforthat

I would say my cleaning skills are ok...I mean I've never heard any complaints...and I have a little house...and I collect a lot of stuff...but underneath the stuff is usually clean.

But the down and dirty cleaning that needs to happen about once every month...
yeah, that's not my forte.  And I'm ok with that.

However, this should probably be addressed, right?!?!

I mean I spray with cleaner and wipe it down, but the grimy stuff probably makes a home longer than it should.  And my reason for not enjoying said process of cleaning the shower is not for what you think it is...

It's not because it's's not because I don't have's not because I'm no good at completing projects (on the contrary, I am fairly decent at completing projects, which is why this is maddening for me).'s because of the display of inadequacy that happens when I attempt to clean the tile.  Let me try to give you a picture of what goes down.

I try to clean it after I shower because directions on the bottle say, "Apply cleaner to a wet surface" (if you know me at all, you know how "frequently" the shower thing happens) and I might as well kill two birds with one stone.
So, I'm in the bathroom, in my birthday suit, spraying my cancerous shower cleaner all over the tile  (because it's THAT bad).
After I have taken in all the dangerous fumes I can handle and the substance has "set-in", I take a cup - a Chabot cup to be precise - filled with water and I also bring my trusty wire bristle brush (which I'm sure is taking away more grout than it should). I scrub all the corners I can with as much umph and gusto I have in me.  And with each scrubbing motion I realize I get more and more frustrated with how inefficiently I am accomplishing this task.  So, I continue to scrub, but all the while knowing I could be doing it better so...I don't do better.  I get frustrated and just do an "okay" job.  Not up to my standards.  Not perfection (plus there is a toddler stirring and I still am not clothed).  So I stand there and say, "oh well" once more.  Then I take my Chabot cup and get this...I just THROW the water everywhere.  I mean, everywhere!  I fill and throw, fill and throw, fill and throw...kinda like confetti because I'm trying to rinse all the cancer away.  At this point I'm thinking I should have showered after instead of before because now I am soaked again - and probably dirty too.  I walk away so disgusted with my performance and with a smirked face think #Iain'tgottimeforthat .

shower 100: Elly 0

Am I the only one that feels like this?
Is this really the proper way (it can't be people..ENLIGHTEN me!)?
So, who's gonna properly train me?

What are you willing to admit you really never learned how to properly execute?
- load the dishes
- hang a picture
- make a proper cup of coffee (some people are quite particular)
- separate laundry
- sew a button or a hem
- make chicken noodle soup

***I can help with all of the above and more.  If you help me, I'll help you!

This is the progression of my feelings throughout the time I am cleaning my shower.  
Carolyn captures my emotions perfectly:

Happy to try and redeem myself

realizing my demise...but continuing to try

are you for real!?!?! Did this really just happen again?!?!?

Thank goodness I have a God who doesn't care how clean my shower is...
I'd be in real trouble if He did.

and yet another reason to stay clear of the shower


  1. Ok So I totally can relate to this... In fact a few years ago I looked up on you-tube how to iron! I just felt like I was fumbling through like a kid. The video helped a lot.. .Now I at least have an approach and my husband doesn't look like a kid ironed his work shirts!


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