moving forward

I'm not sure I would have been happy with either outcome of this years election.  I've heard lots of comments like: "it's the lesser of two evils....we've had corrupt presidents in the past and lived through it...abortion shouldn't even be on the ballot..." and on and on the remarks for one side or the other go.  All the while each person trying to feel better about this situation.  All the while putting others down for not choosing their same side.  These past couple months I feel as if kind, intellectual conversation is on the demise and that corruption, money, and power seem to be at the forefront of everything.  And in the midst of all this awful talk, compassion is hard to find.  Wednesday, everything I was reading or hearing from friends put my heart through the ringer.  I didn't get much accomplished besides dinner made and cleaned up.  I wasn't just sad for the outcome, but for how people AFTER the outcome were treating each other.  After lots of prayer and talking with my husband I realized I was putting my faith into something human.  My thoughts should always be focused on God.

I believe in a leader that is assertive, truthful, loving, compassionate, loyal, and has stood the test of time.  I put my trust in Him.  Above all else, I am reminded to lean on GOD!  And the good thing is, I don't have to wait to show my children God's heart and his love for ALL of humanity...for all of his creation. When others are tearing each other apart, I have a chance to change the direction.

I know that there is evil in this world.  We as a people have to deal with it the best we know how.  We are blessed enough to live in a country where our votes count.  Sometimes we win, sometimes we loose.  The votes have been counted, the decision has been made.  Now how do we move forward? This morning my pastor reminded us of a verse:

Romans12:15 "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep."  

I think this puts things into perspective.  Maybe if we thought less about ourselves and more about others we could begin to change your community little by little.  Change begins with you.  I think a lot needs to change, but not by bullying and degrading others.  When have you EVER received a change of heart after someone has screamed at you, beat you, berated, or challenged you in a way that makes you feel inferior?  As for me, never would be the answer.

I believe the best way is to lean on God for all your decisions.  Before everything, we must pray. If you are fearful for the future, I encourage you to lean on God's love, because it is everlasting and never changing.  If you are excited for what is to come, I encourage you to put your faith in the Lord and not in someone else.  Either way, the point is, you don't have to wait. 

As for me, moving forward, I will be making more of a point to make sure my children know these truths (I hope I would be making these known no matter the outcome from any election or decision):

Before any problem or decision, seek counsel and pray.
Just because others behave one way, doesn't mean you need to.
You always have a choice; lean towards the choice to be kind and encouraging.
When you see someone being mistreated stand up for them!
Do NOT participate in humiliating someone.
Be a friend and show love.
Be honest.
Work hard in all you do.  Your name is on your efforts, so be proud of them.
When you make a mistake, apologize.
When you win, gloating doesn't even need to happen.
When you loose, whining doesn't even need to happen...just nope.
In all things behave respectfully.

I feel like these are things I learned in Kindergarten and now is a good time to be reminded of them.  I am encouraged this afternoon because I can change things around me NOW by loving more.  Maybe not as quickly as I'd like, but little by little...I'll start with my children.


  1. Well put, Elly. There is always hope--not in or because of us, but because He who made us and holds us is there to guide, comfort and empower us to love all He puts in our path.


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