In the midst of it all

Parenting lately has been a little rough.  I have a toddler, who is cuddly, independent, and stubborn, a daughter who can be helpful, and dramatic when she is hangry and tired, and a Kindergartner who is smart, knows it all, impulsive, and thoughtful.  These personalities make for interesting days, and that's not even mentioning my personality traits (which some would say are a little on the "feeling" side).  And in the midst of it all...

God is there...

he is watching me
he is protecting me
he is wooing me
he is teaching me
he is showing me whom to love
he is using me
he is loving my children
he is saving me

and thank goodness for all of those things.  With these things he is molding me and my children.  And there is so much comfort knowing that he sees me even at my worst.

he is watching me to see how much mercy and grace I will give my children when they spill their "whatever" for the 4th time before 9 am.  He is also watching me to know how much mercy and grace I need that day...and He knows I need a lot.

he is protecting me with a discernible insight to see what people are safe and which people are not.  He is protecting me and my family from the enemy, which these days seems to be my the the media. Thank goodness he's keeping me safe and protecting me.  He's also protecting me when He stops me (sometimes) from lashing out at my poor children...because in that moment they need love instead of fear.

he is wooing me with...every snuggle from my children...every mommy that I believe needs a friend...with the wonderful worship that I get to participate in almost every week...every baby that needs children's prayerful hearts - thank you Lord for that!

he is teaching me...with my daily - well actually biweekly by the time I get sleep - Bible reading...patience with every fold of the laundry pile...endurance with every clean-up of army men...kindness with every buckle of the shoe for your 5 year old...goodness with every diversity barrier that's broken...peace with every sip of my coffee..faithfulness with every answered prayer...self-control with every repeat of the word "MOM"...gentleness with every impulsive move my son makes (seriously, he's like a leopard waiting to attack) with every thing or person that is different from me (which is everyone) when I get to worship with my friends and also when my children stay the night away.

he is showing me whom to love...when he breaks my heart for people...and the tears start flowing.

he is using better His show my children how to forgive and accept forgiveness.

he is loving my they show me ways they can love on others.

he is saving every grace given from my children...from shamefulness...forgiveness for yelling at them the 100th time that morning.

And what a comfort it is to know He is there.  In everything I do, He is there.  I can fall and He is there.  I can make a mistake and He is there.  It's just the seeking and searching that I need to do.  He is doing EVERYTHING else.'

This week, was not my fact it might have been my worst to date...but He's there through it all...and loves me still...and is still there...what a constant support and relief it is to know that.  Look for the ways He shows you's the midst of it all.

I don't get many snuggles with this one anymore...and boy do I need them...
God probably feels the same way.


  1. Your honesty is awesome.
    Remember - your worst is still pretty darn ok;)
    You are a constant reminder and inspiration to me that God will always love us.
    Forgive yourself as you do your children and start tomorrow anew...with a new tire!!! Haha:)
    Love you- Emma

  2. Beautiful words of inspiration, encouragement and love. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is beautiful! You are beautiful! I was tearing up while reading this haha

  4. as always, beautifully written by a beautiful soul....

  5. You triggered my inner crybaby, your words spoke to my heart. Trust me Elly I get it you are not alone. Thanks for allowing God to use you.

  6. Elly I first met you as a young newlywed and living in a new state for a few months. I knew right from the get go that you would be an awesome mom. I saw it everyday as you taught with me in our room of 20 children that were not ours. I see the awesome mom that you have become by your facebook post. Your faith in God has always guided you through out your life. Miss You Love Donna

    1. Thank you, Donna:) miss talking with you and having such fun filled days with you.


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