What's your thing?

What's your thing?

My thing is kids...little ones fo sho...especially if they aren't my own.


I can throw-down with the best of them for Meal Makers of America  (I mean not Iron Chef worthy, but I could hang with SOMEONE off the food-network, I'm sure)

But what are you good at?
What's your jam?
What gives you joy?
What's your thing?

Because I'm sure if you think it's good, then it probably is...
hopefully you feel compelled to share it with someone.

God gives us great talents and a discernible heart to know what to do with those talents. It pleases God and honors Him to use our talents to the best of our abilities.

If you are musically inclined, play for someone and add in a prayer.
If you are the master of folding a fitted sheet...props to you...fold some laundry for someone (if you decide this is your gift, see me ASAP)
If the feather duster is just and extension of your arm and you move it in wondrous ways...help a lady out!
If you organize and have a part-time job buying things from Organized Living...put those containers to good use.
If you get a thrill from clipping coupons and could appear on the Extreme Couponing show on TLC...then hook up with someone/someplace that needs 50 boxes of Ramen....mmmm salty noodles

"If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.  Romans 12:7-8

I have been in a season of life lately where I haven't been able to serve with as much time as I'd like, or I've had to find other ways to use my talents.  With 3 children ranging in ages from 2-5, I haven't been able to focus on others as individually as I'd like, because my children require a lot of fixed attention themselves...hopefully you haven't seen us at Kroger lately.   I also think that God changes how and when he wants you to serve with certain talents you embody.

I think there is a way to serve:
corporately (with a large group or in a large building environment)...
socially (with a smaller more intimate setting like a house or moms group)...
and privately (with an individual).

Each of these ways may look different, but pleases God all the same.  Extroverts and introverts alike can find their ways to serve in each of the above mentioned ways.  We have lost connection and relationship with others.  We need to figure out how to create and sustain relationships in a world that is moving farther away from being truly intimate.  And serving others is a great place to start.  Relationships are kinda a big thing for God...knowing people is how we share God's love

"Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.  Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other." Romans 12:9-10

In a world so focused on ourselves (me included) it's easy to say "It's taken care of...Someone else is doing it...I can't do it as well as them...they don't need me," and feel justified.  It's easy to sit back and go on with your life thinking that someone else will do it for you.


Don't you want to contribute something?  Do you have opinions? Do you want to be a part of something that can make your world better?

 "Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

I think Martin said that perfectly.  What can make you great?  There is so much negative in the world.  Wouldn't you like to be part of the better?

When I am helping someone else, I don't know about you, but it revitalizes me.  Maybe not in a way that brings more energy...actually, often times my energy and time is spent.  BUT it makes me want to do it again.  I love the challenge...the joy...the relationships...it fuels me.  And in turn I know my Lord is happy with me.  I'm not doing these things to make myself feel better, but because we are called to serve.  We are called to help.

My 30's hit and all of a sudden I need to start paying attention to things besides me and my inner circle.  The people that have been "doing it for years" are now moving on and we are the next.  I think we need to bring some old school of social thought: cocktail parties, porch swinging, sharing your garden growth, checking in with each other, making large meals expecting to invite anyone over...the list goes on and on.  And I don't know about you, but I kinda want my kids to notice people and be caring. I want them to invest in relationships.  Honestly, the only way that would remotely happen is for them to see you serving and eventually, once they don't act like little pterodactyls anymore, they can serve along with you.  They want to be with you and be a part of something too, if you ask them.

God gave us the ultimate servant.  He served in each of those three ways...He served us.

 "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Find your thing, your jam, what makes you energized and do it well, people!

Serve in your church, your museum, your schools, your community and be a big friggin' part of your peeps around you.  

ps. if you are the person who volunteers for everything...please do not take this the wrong way.  I thank you for volunteering for the things I am not able. Some of us need less in our lives.  My point is how can we volunteer for the things that matter and will give the biggest impact.

serving his community


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