What the Summer Eats

 I'm not sure if it is because of my lackadaisical ways through the summer - but man it seems like this summer is eating a whole through our path of normal order and structure.  At the beginning of every summer I always am so relieved to have a free schedule. I feel like Julia Andrews in the Swiss Alps.
My regular mode of planning every event is thrown out the window. As we move through the summer days we seem to leave a wake of forgetfulness and that feeling of perpetual "no responsibility."  It's like I think we are on a really long vacation. I'm good with it, really, but clearly I am not a responsible adult when structure isn't a top priority. Also, I'm convinced the pool has an under-layer of THINGS that have collected...like a whole underworld litered with pretzels, water bottles, clothes, and all the torpedos you could ever dream to dive for...like a scene from Ninja Turtles...you could totally survice if you needed.

You might be in "summer mode" if you too have lost these things that have fallen into the abyss of the summer:

  • Towels - we have lost about 3 of them and I'm not buying another. The brown and white towel my sister gave my husband with one end labeled "butt" and the other end labeled "face" will have to suffice.
  • Dive stick torpedo and dollar store cups- seriously, I buy a new pack every year.  Where do these even end up?!?!
  • Water Bottles - now these are a necessity because I share most things with my children but my water bottle is not one of them. So I buy the "no bad stuff for you or the environment" ones, which means they aren't cheap, but now I've bought two in the span of a summer just for one child! He has since been downgraded to plastic, intended for one time use, bottle...until summer coughs his nice one back up.
  • Naps - we used to be fairly scheduled with naps and quiet time happening everyday. We have been adventuring so hard that my daughter, who is 5, pleaded with me the other day to "please get some rest".
  • Laundry - I mean I guess laundry needs to happen - or maybe you can just go out to the porch and get the clothes that were drying out from yesterday and wear those...maybe. Underwear is important, so I do those but everything else is optional.  Also, we have left two shirts, one activity sandal, socks, a pair of crocs, two pairs of shorts and I'm sure countless others that I am not aware of at all the splash-pads in Cincy.
  • My Grocery budget - these kids eat ALLLLLL DAAAAAY LOOOOONG.  Every time we go anywhere I've just grown accustomed to grabbing a big bag of snacks and 5 apples and that's snack time...you know on the way to lunch.
  • sand - I'm not even sure how, but the amount of sand that is brought into the house/car/garage...I just don't even understand...we haven't even been to the beach
  • Moisture - I have gone through more lotion this summer because apparently my kids have inherited the dry skin that I passed on. Time to make more body butter. And my hair - it is so frizzy and full and I feel like a lioness all the time...or at least like one of those cats that looks like a small-scale lion.
I know plenty of people who are able to handle the "no structure" in the day and actual thrive in it and are productive human beings.  To you I say, "You have all the strengths." There is about a month left of summer and I'm not counting down, but I might loose a lot more in the next 27 days.

But you know what I have plenty of...

trampoline socks - at least 3 pairs per child.  Hit me up if you need one.


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