Summertime Salads

I don't know about you, but when it comes to the summer, fresh ingredients call my name.  And the less I use my oven and stove-top the better! Plus we are always on the go to the pool or some other activity and I'm packing more than ever before.  I revel in the fact that we don't have a schedule in the summer so anything to make my morning lazier, the better.  I hate having to chop every single morning, so the less that occurs, then the easier my morning is and the faster we get out of the house!

My favorite way to quickly have a healthy/fresh salad on the go is to chop up Salad Toppers!  I have about 5-6 salads that I cycle through.  They all require no extra dressing so it is super easy to pack them up.  I usually have spinach and a head of romaine lettuce in the fridge.  So that is all I need to prepare in the morning after I have made a large batch of a salad topper earlier in the week. 

I take a handful of spinach, and two leaves of romaine and tear/chop/wash as needed.  Then I place in a Tupperware container.  Then I add whichever Salad Topper I have made for the week, and voila! Fresh, quick, easy lunch.  Each topper has some kind of fat or protein so you are not starving while you are out and about.

So, here are my favorites:


The Anything Topper...this can go on lots, and can just be a dip with chips...YUM!

Tomato Salad... this is also great as just a side

Have fun!  Hopefully you find these as easy and quick as I do!


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