ear plugs

Moms - or parents for that matter - should be given ear plugs at the hospital when the baby is born...

not because babies or children are ALWAYS obnoxious...kids are great.  I LOVE kids.  I love being with other people's kids too. I love playing with them, encouraging them, and cuddling them...and the list goes on, and I think most people that know me, know those statements to be true, but to be completely honest...


At least not in this house.  Good noises, bad noises, sad, happy, angry noises...there is just a lot of it! And sometimes I am just DONE...D-O-N-E. done.

Confession: I am a naptime NAZI.  I might be a little anxious about when the naptime phase is over for everyone, because I just need a moment from the noise.  I can remember when I was teaching and had no children of my own but came home and just needed silence...at least for awhile.

I find myself completely overwhelmed by the sounds that they make. 

Mommy can I...
chugga-chugga..TOOOOOT! TOOOOOT!

This was just me sitting here recording a small snipet - that is an exact measurement people - of time where my children were processing the use of their tongues, lips, vocal cords, social ques, manners, and my tolerance for "ambiant" noise.

People, this is why we never go out to eat.  Because of the loudness.

I have visions of loooooong sweet visits to the library where we sit quietly and read books for awhile, eventually making our way out the door because we were so lost in the pages and snuggling. We are getting there, but I feel like every time I step foot in the door a librarian is ready to usher us back to the children's area, and it's a mad dash for me to find THE most influential, funny, yet informative, relevant books in the children's section for 3 different reading levels for fear of someone spontaneously screaming because they were just "experimenting". Whew!

I know I am mostly to blame...I am not exactly quiet myself.  Which I am totally owning...and most of the time I am thankful that my children participate in my shenanigans.

I believe I remember praying to God that I would have loud, question asking, imagination flowing, interesting children so that they/I would never get bored...well, God has blessed me richly!

Children are meant to make sounds...and ask questions...sing songs...play instruments...and just play.

But today...today I need earplugs. Today, those are just what the doctor ordered.

These are videos of how my children "experiment" with their vocal cords...if you care to watch


and this...



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