Questions and comments

With Luke's new vocabulary questions have come.  He doesn't even stop to listen to the answer I am giving him and he's already asking another.  He also makes the most random comments and remarks out of nowhere.  Here are just some of my favorites:

While watching a show about dinosaurs, "Mommy, what dat species?"

"No, dat silly mommy.  I'ma sillwe monkey."

"dah-hah, me feet stinky!"

while running to an air-show, "Me LOVE see aiw-panes fly! Phshuuuuuu

on a phone call with Mammie discussing what he saw at the air-show, "Me see jets, aiw-panes, racie cars, super guys, helwecopters, and SPACESHIP!  Phshuuuuuu!"

if he seems absent mindedabout anything he snickers a little smile and says, "Ha, me forgot!" like it was such a surprise to him.

after a long walk with with G-pa he came back and said, "Mammie, me walk weallwee farrr.  My legs so tired!"

and my favorite: whilst playing or being corrected or just whenever, he'll stop me from speaking by gently grabbing my face and saying with pursed lips, "Mommy so beautiful!"

of course there is more, but I can't remember them ALL.  He's so funny with his comments and personality, he keeps me laughing most of the's the only thing that saves his but!


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