
Tim and I recently had a child-free morning, thanks to my parents.  On this early morning we were able to drink coffee without a worry of it being spilled, go back for a second cup, walk around naked....(Just kidding;).  We also spent the whole morning whilst drinking our coffee, on the front porch talking for almost 2 hours.  This is a VERY rare occasion.  Not just because of children, but life and all the distractions it holds.  Which got us talking about some goals we decided we wanted to instil as a family.  We tried to make goals that are realistic and attainable, yet challenging. So here they are:

  1. All snacks must be portioned out (No bag or jar eating)...and at least 15 minutes between snacks.  This goal is mainly for Tim and I because the kids are growing, they don't have any obesity issues that I'm aware and Tim and I tend to snack after the kids have gone to bed.
  2. No T.V. watching 2 nights a week.  Tim and I are so tired by the end of the day that we just sit and vegge while watching tv and not really liking the tv we are watching.  So we are going to find other ways to zone out without the tv.
  3. No sweets, except once a week.  I found myself wanting something sweet after every meal, and now that I've hit the big 3-O, i can't do that anymore.  Plus, the kids don't need sweets that much either.  We will still have treats, but only on occasion and if you've cycled more than 30 miles in a day.
  4. Make an exercise class once a week, no excuses, with a total of 3-4 days of exercising a week.  We have a Y membership through September, so I am trying to make the most of the pass.  Plus I need to make my health more of a priority, instead of just fun and games with the kids all the time.
  5. No Technology at the dinner table.  Tim and I can be really bad about bringing our phones to the table or having the tv on during dinner.  We NEED to communicate as a family and the kids need to see us paying attention to them, without distractions.
  6. Devotions as a family twice a week.  Luke has been really into saying prayers, reading from his Bible and asking questions about God.  We need to show him a relationship with God is important and the best way to do that is to model it.
  7. Devotions as a couple once a week.  Talking this morning was was nice.  We need to communicate more together and draw closer to our Lord together.  Devotions as a couple just seemed like a good idea.

So, there they are.  Not too many goals and easily attainable.  We've taped them up around the house so we can be reminded.  Hopefully we can see it through.  We shall revisit these in a few months.


  1. What a great idea to set goals! It can be hard to set aside time for each other but we really need to make it a priority. Oh, and the exercise thing gets easier as the kiddos get older :)


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