I should really pay more attention to my children

****WARNING!  This has potty language.  Not cursing, but literal potty language  So if you are uncomfortable with it, don't read it.*****

Luke is pretty well potty trained.  He has accidents every now and then, but they mainly happen because I've forgotten to ask him if he needs to go and we are nowhere near a bathroom, or he is having too much fun to be bothered to stop and pee himself (this is another post;)). 

We have a small potty in the bathroom for him to use during the day just for his pee breaks.  He will run in and use it without me even knowing, with the exception of his white naked butt making an appearance.  I have been thinking that maybe we don't need this potty anymore in the bathroom since he is doing so well, but it makes things very convenient.  Plus Carolyn is becoming ever more curious and follows Luke everywhere.  However, the potty still sits in its spot in the bathroom.

The other day they were being especially sweet and playing with each other very well all day.  We were getting ready to make our way out of the house and Luke said he needed to make his morning poo.  I had just cleaned the WHOLE bathroom and put down new mats and towels.  Naturally he sets himself up on the bigger potty and I leave him there alone, as I always do because if I'm in there he doesn't do his business, he just talks to me.  Sometimes Carolyn follows him in to the bathroom.  With all the talking and singing he does in there, he is basically enticing her to check out what is going on.

So, this actually happens.  I am frantically packing up the bags to get out of the house and hearing Luke talk to Cece from the potty and Cece making some kind of sound in response.  Usually she crawls in there and climbs her hands up his legs so she can stand there and watch him while he is using the potty, all the while pestering him (I usually get a chuckle because Luke is saying, "No! Cece, go to your mommy!").  This time was a little different though.  As I am packing up the car, trying to make ALL of my time efficient, I just happen to listen a little harder to the dialogue:

Luke:   No, Cece.  Get Away Cece!

Carolyn: rummaging through something and making a gremlin growl

I say to myself, "That sounds a little stranger than usual.  Let me put one more bag in the..."

Luke: No Cece!  Don't touch my pee.  No Cece, put down my potty.  No Cece, Get away!"

Hmmm, maybe I should check this out?

I come into the bathroom only to see my newly cleaned bathroom now durtied with Luke's urine.  Luke is still sitting on the big potty, waiting for me to wipe him (He couldn't get down to make her stop because he's been threatened on his life to NEVER get off the potty until Mommy wipes him, especially if he's pooped).  His little potty is taken apart and  my sweet little angel is sitting in the middle of all his urine, turning the potty upside down over and over and smiling, jumping up and down on her bent little legs.

I guess I should pay more attention to my children....


  1. Oh my gosh! This is too funny! Gotta love the glamorous life of a mommy :)


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