the patience of a saint

I am really starting to relate to that have the patience of a saint...

Has a nice ring to it.  However, it means you are enduring most things that others probably don't want to.  And they've even said the aforementioned quote to you to make you feel better, when actually, they are saying, "Man I'm glad I don't have to deal with that."

My son would be the result of this quote being said, more times than I can count on my new stretch marks, to me.  He has officially hit the 'Terrible Twos"...and he's only 17 months...he's very advanced for his age:)

Seriously though, I was a teacher of young children, so I'm not sure why this is coming as a shock to me.  He is not rational (but then again, neither am I right now).  He screams unless you let him do it his way, and it was his idea (which I guess, I am partial to those feelings as well, even when I'm not pregnant).

So, I've decided that I will take a different approach to his child rearing.  Instead of yelling, I'll just suggest, maybe forcefully.  Instead of making him do things, I'll try and get him to figure out what I want him to do and then he'll think it's his idea (yeah right).

But really, I am trying more recently to let him take his time, not rush him (he has his whole life to be rushed), calmly explain to him why things have to be this way (and continue to ignore the screaming), not take it personally when he throws items in anger, and most importantly, pray for him.

I know he can't talk, but if he would just use his words things would be much nicer around here.

I do love him and see our WONDERFUL qualities in him everyday.  His ability to smile and light up right after the largest tantrum I've seen in awhile, is something to commend.  He surprises me everyday with new milestones, new sounds, new emotions, new ways of showing his love for us.

He's all mine, my pride and joy...and I accept full responsibility!


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