Vapors that Cover


A cup of tea sits in waiting for a presence of the intentional time. It sits still as the taker slowly sips and chews, in bubbling ponder, on the meat from the word. The tea cannot be drank too quickly or the taker will be met with startled distraction and not absorbed peace. You see as we sit with the tea we also sit with HIM. In meditation and in worship we sit and listen…sit and say…sit and be. As we do, our vapors of praise rise to the ceiling of the sky, above the smoke and the clouds. They hover there and wait in their purpose of hallelujahs, pleas, and prayers. They hover, still simmering and waiting to rain down on the new vegetation. They become the frost which nourishes the new fruits because of the presence in the waiting. 

Are you so filled because of the time you've made to sit and meditate? So filled that in your meditation you’ve made space for the vapors to be released unto the one? In doing so you faithful friend, you’ve poured out His love without even knowing it! How many will be drawn in because of the vapors you’ve let arise? From our filled cups vapors come off and spread to the masses. The vapors are what we leave behind - a legacy of praise that seems infinite. Because you sit, prayers are answered and impartation can take it's full place in full authority. When we sit with Him, those whom we shepherd are covered in a blanket of invitation because you, my friend, ooze the vapors that so freely waft off of you from your time in his stillness.

Let us sit and let Him make vapors. Let us sit in the thankfulness, in the gratefulness and the stillness and just be. Let us worship and watch what the vapors miraculously release. I could use a lot more of the time to be and less of the time to do. Because in the being is where we truly worship and watch the father, in his multiplying magnitude, shower his fruit, his meat, his manna for the body. 

Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for at his command they were created, and he established them for ever and ever— he issued a decree that will never pass away. Psalm 148:4-6



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