Picking Up Speed

Are you in the Valley of Weeping or a place of refreshing springs? Truth is you are either close to the edge of embankment, on your way down, settled at the bottom, or on your way down the stream of your journey. 

How interesting that our tears of blessings were once, possibly, our tears through heartache and suffering? The tears that we shed - dry or soaking wet - during our strife become the refreshing springs our body and mind need for renewal. When we we find ourselves at the bottom of the valley it is in Him we can only find encouragement and the endurance to make it to the place of peace. 

Our tears, fears, and struggles fall down the rocky bank only to collect into large puddles. We can trust ourselves, but when we do, all that is left is dry ground - never quite quenched. When we trust Him, he guides us along the stream, picking up speed for the journey ahead. Until, all of a sudden we embody the joy and wisdom that only he can give. We come away fully encouraged and conditioned with endurance to keep going. All that’s left from the journey is a peaceful retreat and promise that we’ve made it! 

Those tears and struggles loose their weight and flow freely, briskly, tumbling and rolling over rocks and debris gaining strength until they make it home. Home to their peaceful sanctuary, into a pool of serenity full of wisdom and integrity. He is our sun that shines brightly giving way to the beautiful glisten and sparkle that only a sunbeam can give to still waters. 

If you are still on the embankment, looking over the edge and anticipating the demise when the wind blows, and pushes you over, I say fall. If you are free falling, brace for impact with the comfort that the Father will be there to catch you. And if you've dried up, and there is nothing left to give - call for the only one to quench the barren streams.

Others remark with bewilderment because they saw you fall, they saw your demise and yet all they see is what is left...your RADIANT JOY. It is beyond their comprehension, beyond rational explanation where your joy comes from. Because you are sparkling - radiant with joy! When you hear, “How did you do it? How could you possibly pull yourself out?” you can fully answer.  So genuine and majestic is your joy that there can only be one explanation where it comes from. Let these autumn rains fall and let the blessings overwhelm you with the most peaceful abundance from the Father. And JOY comes in the morning. 

“What joy for those who can live in your house, always singing your praises..What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. They will continue to grow stronger, and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem.
For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, what joy for those who trust in you.” - Psalm 84: 4-7, 11-12


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