It's Just Different

It's all different...all of it. Every part of my life is different since children. I wouldn't say it's ALL for the worse or for the better, but it has all changed.

  • Hiking...oh my goodness is my pack heavy...and we don't just have ONE pack but two now.  And we need to have enough granola bars just to make it a mile to the treeline. Also, all the edges are now cliffs.
  • packing list used to be 3 pages typed in columns (I love lists) and now, I need to make sure there is enough paper before printing. I also have to begin packing all the things a few days prior because my brain cannot remember all the things. The dinning room table is now packing central...there shall be no meals at the table.
  • Vacationing...I give MAJOR kudos to those who can drive at night or longer than 9 hours with children in ONE day. "You have all the strengths".
  • Brushing my teeth...this will never be the same. Until my children move out I'm sure I will be talking through my toothpaste.
  • Cooking...I LOVE cooking. I love cooking with my kids. But I have to allot double the amount of time if a child is involved. This is a skill I intend to instill in all my children, but man, my teeth hurt from clenching by the end.
  • Eating...the times I get to sit and eat with my family are precious. However, they include so much less sitting than used to happen and sooooo many directions for bites in the mouth. I love the giggles and the banter, but wolfing my food down is now a sport that I excel and will win.
  • Working...we can have it all and work but it is different than before. The things I could say yes to are limited because my family is important. But I am so blessed to be working and doing what i enjoy. 
  • Napping...napping now, if it happens, inevitably ends with someone poking me, or starring over top of me asking for a snack.
  • Frisbee Golfing...or any sport really, but Frisbee golfing...there is just sooooo much grass and sooooo much throwing...and soooooo many bushes
  • Meditating on God's word...I am selfish here sometimes, because sometimes I just need a minute...or a lot of minutes. But I want them to enjoy this and come back for more, so sometimes my meditation means focusing on their questions, their knowledge, and their learning of the word than focusing on mine (which inevitably becomes a lesson for me too, but I'm selfish).
  • Free time is relative. Free time now means “things we are not scheduled to do” but is not synonymous with alone time. Be careful. 
  • My body is way different. Let’s just leave it at that. I have taken loads of hours talking to God about this one. And I’m so my healthier than I ever was. 
  • Talking with friends...oh my heavens...I LOVE talking with friends. But unless I have a weekend away or night away or a babysitter for an hour, my conversations are half-told, spoken over loud play, and there is never enough time. If you want to hear more about this here is an oldie but a goodie.
  • Getting Away...whether it be with my loving hubby or my faithful friends it involves more logistical training than a flight traffic controller.
  • "Hammocking"...this is a word...but I intend it for a better definition.  This is a verb.  Using the hammock with children is not usually relaxing. In fact I feared for my life the other day whilst "hammocking". These children need better training in the relaxing department.
  • Thinking...there are no finished thou...
  • Wedding Dancing...well this has changed drastically, but I CANNOT complain.  The barre has been raised and we will meet your expectations (there is no humility here).
  • Eating at a restaurant...if the restaurant doesn't bring chips or bread or your entire meal out in less than 15 minutes, we are outta there. They are getting older now so maaaaaaayyybe 20 minutes.

These are only a few things that have changed...

And if we are not careful, we can get caught up in these "used to be's" instead of embracing a new stage. My children are most certainly a reward, but things are NEVER going to be as they were.  My perspective needs to change. I could go through life dragging my feet and complaining all the way through OR I can decide to move forward and choose joy (or mostly Joy - I am human).

Children are not meant to KNOW everything. We are meant to come alongside them and advocate, help, and guide them all the while setting safe boundaries for them to try on their own. If I want them to be excited in the things I enjoy, then I'd better have my best foot forward and grab all the encouragement off the shelf that God has for me at the moment. I need to model and show, not yell and criticize.

I wouldn't change my life for anything...but it doesn't mean I don't get frustrated.  It is hard work changing perspective. But what an honor afterwards. Honoring to you, to your family, and most importantly, to God.

***side note - we went to a coffee shop the other day, just me and the kids with books and snacks...and it was fun. But I definitely didn't read any of the books on my reading list...but maybe in the nearer future.


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