Droppin' words

Words are my nectar...

they give me life in so many ways.

People, I need words and I know I'm not alone.

I need words...positive words...encouraging words..check yourself words...words that give me life...words to help me process all the words.

And I need these words more than I need another taco (and who can't use another taco)!

Today was a major case of the Mondays.  The weight of Monday felt like it was already next Monday and I'd accomplished zilch...it was only 10:30.  But I can't stay there...I can't stay in my case of the Mondays because apparently someone made me an adult. Which means I need to help feed, clothe, facilitate focus, create a sense of responsibility (which means I need to be responsible), and all the other tasks that are expected of me on a daily basis. The druthers of all the adult things...can give anyone a case of the Mondays.  I needed extra words today.

When life just seems unbearable and I'm unable to make intelligible choices I need words.  Not necessarily words from people, but words from my Father. My heavenly Father can ease all the fear, comparison, lies, and just hurtful words swarming around in my ever moving mind. A simple pause and "wait a minute" can bring the weight of all the things to a halt. When I'm standing in the kitchen washing my third set of dishes, holding the child asking to be held, reading or paying attention to the child who, God love them, is also words of affirmation, making the fourth switch of the laundry, making the third portable meal of the day for each and every person because we can't sit at the table, and worrying if I was intentional with anyone today...those, those are the days when I need a pause.

Sometimes going through our day, even if  I've started it in His word, I can easily sway the other way. When no other adult is around and I don't feel like texting another person...when I am needing the extra words that only God has room left to give, pausing and listening to God re-centers me and brings me all the breath I need. Breath to move freely and gracefully through the smoke that took all the available air.

When I pause and ask him just simply for some kind of reassurance that he hears even the littlest of problems, it frees me. When I pause it frees me to also hear for others.  When I take the time to listen it's like a pause on an old tape...you are right where you left off. God picks up and reassures me that I am his child...that I have life in Him...and that he never left.  It was I who stepped out of it for a minute, and yet how intentional He is when we return to the conversation.

When I sit with him calmly, sometimes people I haven't thought about in a long while come to mind. And when I ask God what He has for that person or multiple people or myself, I am always blown away by his response. When I take my thoughts from God or words that I've consulted in HIM those words are powerful...powerful when it is for me to hear, and even more powerful when I share them. After I get these words sometimes I feel super silly sharing them, but something in me says I need to...and let me tell you...every time I share either via text, or message, or in person, or in a corporate setting, as long as I am willing to share, someone has the ear to listen. People have said even days later that a word I spoke to them encouraged them, but they forgot to mention it to me.

When I walk out in obedience God moves in crazy ways.  As a child I was nervous and always second guessing myself and my thoughts.  As an adult now, I have a different attitude.  I wouldn't say it is confidence because I still get UBER nervous to share with others, for fear of rejection or feeling silly, or what I have to say might be insignificant. But now I'm able to lay that aside for a moment and just share...share the words and pictures he has given me. I have no idea how, but it just happens.

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph and through us diffuses the fragrance of HIS knowledge in every place." 2Corinthians 2:14

This verse made me think of the diffuser I have in my bedroom.  My bedroom is at the opposite end of the house than my kitchen. And when I have it running, my small, little diffuser permeates all through the house.  This little itty-bitty contraption brings me joy and it leaves a pleasant aroma even after it has finished its cycle.

Just as I am one small person, I am fragrant...I have triumph because He leads me in my knowledge and makes his words fragrant for others because I carry Him with me. When I share my words and pictures I am only fragrantly spreading Him to others. God's goodness is shared through good words to heal hearts and ease minds and calm storms. But if I don't work in obedience with Him I am not working to my full capacity. God uses even the smallest of people to share His goodness.

I need words...always pleasant, fragrant words.  And I'm praying that as I diffuse God's love and knowledge, it is pleasantly fragrant. So if you need a word, just pause and listen and ASK for it. Or share with someone that you could use some encouragement...sometimes all you have to do is ask. And if you have something fragrant to say that might give life to others, say it. You just never know.


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