God made me with you in mind

This was supposed to be a tribute for Mother's Day, but apparently I got a little busy.  I guess better late than never.

Today is Mother's Day and I have truly been spoiled by my husband and children.  I find so many things for which I am thankful.  But the thing that is most overwhelming today is how I see the Lord made me with my Mother and Mother-In-Law in mind.  

They each are wonderful examples of Faith and being servants.  Each serve others without complaint because it is truly their hearts desire to serve others, and that it pleases our God.

Each have shaped MY faith in more ways than most people.

Each give LOVE unconditionally, just as Jesus asks us to.

Each of them love each of their children differently and embrace their strengths and lift-up their weaknesses.

Each one of them shows wise submission to their husbands, and yet are some of the strongest, smartest, and most independent women I know.

Each one prays without ceasing.

Each one prayed for me, before I ever entered their life.

Each one is proof that God answers prayer.  Both in things that they have prayed for and me as well.

I thank each of you for molding me and giving me continued advice.  I thank you for being VERY low-maintenance and always happy to see or hear from me.  I thank you for your love and support...especially the tears that I have shed over the years.

Mom, thank you for holding me and praying for me through my adolescence because you knew what I needed...and thank you for continuing to do that for me...and for calming me when I'm too much...
Patti, thank you for raising such a Godly man that can lead my family and I also thank you for your continued advice and love...please don't stop:)
But mostly I thank you for your prayers and I ask that you continue to pray for me, because heaven knows I need all the help I can get:)

God knew EXACTLY the type of Mothers I needed in my life and you have served that role so willingly, skillfully, and to your utmost.  I love you both and thank you for your servants heart.  I only hope I can serve in the same way and be half the Mothers you are to me.
Thank you lord for my mothers.  I need both of them DEARLY and I thank you for their devotion to family, but most importantly, their devotion to you.  

Psalm 116:16 "Truly I am your servant, Lord; I serve you just as my mother did..."




  1. Elly, you are so sweet. God gave you a very tender heart that I pray the challenges and problems of life never callouses. I also thank you for your patience and receptivity. No one ever knows for sure when to speak & when to not, or just how one's words or lack of them is registering on someone else's heart & mind. I do & will continue to pray for you (&Tim & each of the kids)---that you would stay close to God & keep looking to serve & love Him first, and that you would be able to accomplish all that really needs to be done in any given day while still maintaining a joy & humor that helps you to enjoy each day & the people God has placed around you! Love you! Patti

  2. This made me cry, spot on. Great mothers and a Great God!


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