More from Potty Training

****** MORE POTTY LANGUAGE. If you are not comfortable with it, get over it, it's my life right now.**** Luke has done and AWESOME job with potty training. He really hasn't had very many accidents to speak of and pretty much decided on his own that he was going to go diaper free. I was expecting him to be very stubborn about the whole process, but he really has done a great job. All in all, I'm impressed with my son. He is a tremendous potty trainee. However, there are a few things that make me say he's not 100% potty trained: he's 2...I mean there are not many 2 year old boys, in my career as a teacher, whom are perfectly potty trained. Since he's 2 he is also very unpredictable/unreliable! because he's so young, his little arm does not reach around to his bottom to wipe. So he still needs help with wiping. he also is not tall enough to stand and pee nor is he able to get up onto the potty without his pants falling off....