from the mouths of babes

Luke has recently really gotten into saying his prayers at night.  I have tried to compile some of our dialog during prayers.  They usually start out this way:

Me: You want to say prayers?
Luke: MmmHhmmm
Me: Let's do it then.

Luke: Dear Godt, kay-you for me, kay-you for mommy, Cece, kay-you for Daddy, kay-you made me and my torpedos. Amen

and another time...

Luke: Dear Godt, kay-you for making trees, and gorillas, and my family...AAAAAANNNNDDD my CARs


Luke: Godt, kay-you for mommy, daddy, Cece, and kay-you make me, and Dave and Jess, and Dave and Ho-hawk (mo-hawk).  Amen.  Dave do that again?


Luke: Dear Godt, kay-you for make me, my house, my food, my cool house, and for my toads, yeah toads...they say croak, me see toads morrow? Amen.

another one...(this one really gets me right there ya know)

Luke: kay-you for my mommy, my daddy, Cece, and...., and..., and...Mommy you so beautiful:)

As you can tell, prayers are a compilation of routine and a re-cap of what has happened to him that day, but also very random.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this little guy.  He cracks me up with all his new vocabulary.  I pray he continues to pray for such important things and that he continues to have a heart for the Lord.


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