going hungry

Do any of us really understand what it means to go hungry?  Because of certain economic circumstances some of us may, but I have to say most of the people I know, have not really GONE hungry.

Most of the people I know have a house/place with heat, are not worrying about when the paycheck is coming or when they will be eating again.  I'd say most of the people I know are "fortunate."  I don't really like to speak about political issues, but I have a hard time understanding why this is a political issue?  Is it really because SO many people planned poorly and continue to do so?  Is it because they are lazy?  Is it just the hand they were dealt?  I'm not sure it's really any one of those things...maybe a compilation of some, but not black and white FOR SURE, 100% one reason!

Some Americans who have poor health issues, based more around nutrition and exercise, are also considered poverty level as far as economic status.  Their health issues also contribute to a long list of why they are having a hard time making ends-meet.  This is not so true in many other countries.  In fact, 50% of people, world-wide, live on less than 2 dollars a day...(that figure astounds me every time I read it!)  That's not even enough to buy one value meal at McDonald's. 

I have so many statements running around in my head about this issue that I think this post could become VERY long.  However, the more I think about it, the more I wonder, "How can I make an impact?  How can I make a change?"  I'm not so sure it's through Washington, because no one can get their act straight there.  I do know what I can do and I believe that we owe it to our communities to help when others need help.  To give when others need giving.  Because there is always someone less fortunate than me.  If everyone gave a little more time, energy, food, etc., to those who need it we might be able to lessen the burdens of others without creating excuses, dependency, ungreatfullness, selfishness...because if everyone is giving then everyone is serving and pulling their weight in a community.  So that's where I'll start...making the change in me...

I'm not sure I got my point across clearly or accurately, but I more or less have just been thinking about this topic and what can be done.

Here is an article that could make you think about those who are less fortunate around you:


"...Whoever wants to be a leader among you, must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of man, came not to be served, but to serve others and to give his life as ransom for many." Mark 10: 43-45

and to make you feel really good about yourself...

"Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.  If you think you are too important to help someone, you are fooling yourself.  You are not that important." Galatians 6: 2-3


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