
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God and I trust him.”

Psalm 91:1-2

A new book, a pedicure, going for a run, hiking, or just sitting on your own are all very restful activities that I have enjoyed and are only a glimpse of restful ideas. When I think of rest, I am cuddled onto a porch with a blanket fully relaxed and unencumbered with stress reading a book or just sipping a hot drink, or maybe margarita if it’s evening. We all have unique ways of resting. In order for our minds and bodies to fully rest we have to feel secure. I know when my child is feeling insecure there is angst and distress with little ability to fully calm. When you can’t find peace and rest where do you look? The scripture above suggests that when we take the opportunity to invite Him into our lives we then LIVE in his shelter. 

As people walk, you notice the shadow they cast. Sometimes it is behind them, sometimes in front of them. My child can be shielded by my shadow either resting in my embrace in front of me or protected by my shadow as I go before him. Just imagine how large our God’s shadow is? His shadow is big enough for us to rest IN. Completely rest. In order to be in a shadow we need to be in close proximity. Only then can we truly live in his shelter. When your shelter is secure you feel protected, safe, and unencumbered by the worry of being outside the shelter. You can focus and breathe. 

As my children look to me and my husband as a place of safety because they trust us. When we run to the father we aren’t looking for the shadow. We run for the embrace because it is trusted. When my children run to me it is because they know they will find respite. And the closer they are to my embrace, the shadow is casted on them. When we embrace the Father, the shadow goes before us and behind us - it encompasses, providing what is needed. Living in his shelter, there is no running involved - he is already there, protecting and shielding us, but we have to be there living. That means seeking guidance, discussing with Him and continual relationship. God doesn’t just want to be our homeowner where we reside and never have relationship. Neglect of the shelter creates holes. He wants us fully surrendered under his shelter so that we can freely live in rest under his wings. 

Today, Jesus came back to save us. The psalmist never got to experience the true saving that Jesus gives us. Jesus died to go before us. He did so because he rested, secure in his father’s arms to know that where God was sending him brought security for the rest of us. Jesus went to the place that terrorizes us so that we don’t have to. Jesus supplies the ability for us to have access to God’s security. Jesus is the hand that rescues us from eternal traps. Today, find Jesus and know that because of Him, we can rest in a place of safety. And because of the safety, we can live the life God created for us to live. “You saved me, you saved me…now I will never leave your love.” This Easter, may you run to the shelter trusting that the security He provides is never leaving you. May you stand in his shadow, freely living, and fully loved. Happy Easter. 


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