What If We Let Him Roar?

I am a planner. I love making lists and I LOVE a good spreadsheet with colors and attributes. I love order. Until I don’t. 

The order helps bring the peace. But does it really? I think it helps me compartmentalize my day and my skills of organization are fantastic tools to be utilized. But at some point, even the most organized feel distracted and out of control. While my organizing is a gift from the lord, it can also be a crutch. My need to organize leaves me crooked, in pain and in despair, whilst distracted. My need to organize can sweep out the peace from an otherwise lovely spontaneous moment. It can look overbearing. It can make people feel as if I see them as inferior even though I didn’t come with that intent. My need to be organized can make me not organized.

And when I am feeling stuck in the muck I have made, I have a choice: 

I can look to where God is leading me or 

I can look to where I am leading myself.  

More than likely one scenario is more fruitful than the others. 

“He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, And has stretched out the heavens at His discretion. When He utters His voice, There is a multitude of waters in the heavens: “And He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning for the rain, He brings the wind out of His treasuries.”‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭10:12-13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

These verses remind me of so much. His power, his abundance, his appreciation of order. But more than anything the CARE he has put in to us and continues over us day after day! 

He even causes the vapors to rise! God loves me more than the vapors! In order for life to cycle, vapors have to rise. Day to day we muddle through… what shall we do today? Have we stopped to listen for him? Have we stopped to notice his lightning? Have we stopped to feel the refreshment of rain on our faces amidst a storm? If we took the time to notice where he has already cared for us maybe we could be like the vapors and rise to meet him when there is a moment without understanding. If we cared enough to give God the credit he is due for laying everything out FOR OUR GOOD then even the hard things would be met with understanding and wisdom. It seems to me those that have endured trama and hardship find it easy and almost rote to look to where God is lighting their way. In hard decisions they call to him and rise in faith to know he will take hold of them and care for them. It’s in the mundane decisions for them too. But those of us distracted, we tend to lose sight of the thunder and lightning. We lose our sense for where he sounds an alarm or where he gently leads us to a victory. But what if we let him roar? What if we let God speak into every part of our existence? He has freely given us the choice to choose him in every decision. If we aren’t careful we will hear the loud stagnant void that we try to fill. That empty cavern of loneliness and narcissism only to be perpetually filled with…nothing.

But if we let him roar? I bet that the infilling of our hearts, minds, and ears would burst with songs of gladness, victory and joy. If we let him roar enough there would be such an abundance there would be OVERFLOW. If we let him roar, all that is to come is abundance. 

So in your desires to know what decisions to make, where to lead your family, what school to attend, what path to take and what to say in a tricky situation, or how to handle yourself…let the roar of God fill your thoughts and lead the way. Rise because you are filled with the overflow of his abundance. Ignite where the lightning strikes. Let God’s deluge of comfort and contentment engulf you and just you wait for that wind to take you that has been properly stored and let loose just at the right time. Just maybe your wind will be so fragrant of the love and sovereignty of God other vapors will have to follow the source. 


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