Portrait of a Woman

She sits gazing...gazing at what I am not sure.

I am blinded by the light emitting from around the outline of her silhouette. 

She is bathed in a radiant glow that also gives off an aroma. 

I step closer to realize the woman is scented in a fine perfume.

She is not concerned of others. Nor the details of her physique. 

But she has her eyes on one thing...

The light that emits from her is because of her faith...it has saved her.

She is peace. She is radiant. She exudes joy, wonder, and forgiveness.

She is the presence of peace because she has made His heart her home.

I see all of this, taking in each detail without even seeing the details.

Details of the heart are not something one can see at first glance. But as you study them they become the dominant features.

Her spirit is so in tune with God's because her spirit is God's.

She shows abundant love because she has been forgiven much.

Her hands hold an alabaster jar. All of her senses pointedly looking and activating to the one that gives hope. With tears in her eyes, she pours the fine perfume onto her hope filler's feet and looks up radiantly. Transfixed on Him, knowing full well she has deposited all her faith and in return she recieves...

peace. Beautiful and wonderful peace. 

Her gaze was not affixed to the naysayers calling her names nor the self-righteous jealousy that spewed from their mouths. In their eyes her "debts" could never be repaid nor made even. But in the eyes of Jesus her debt is null and void; along with the shame, guilt and insecurities that the world continues to throw at her face. Jesus did not discount the weight of her sins, but gave her grace. Her faith in Him saved her and from that day her gaze is continually fixed upon him.

Are we this woman? This woman that so easily placed her heart in the hands of safety, in the hands of love, was once broken and now carries no evidence of shame, guilt, or debt...but that of peace.

Each of our sins are weighed by God, and not of our own understanding. My spirit that is in tune can no longer spend the hours and nights focused on sleepless anxiety, because my faith is in Jesus. My faith is not in those of the world around me ready to count my debts.

As we pour the perfume on others and love big, we need not be concerned with the details of who we or others ONCE were, but that we have placed our faith in Jesus. The details of my heart that others cannot see are brightly colored and my God calls it beautiful because my eyes are transfixed on HIM. Not by my own doings but because he has loved me much. The fullness of my heart and the faithfulness that he does so love us, no matter the fear, the shame, the comparison - this is what brings me peace. It is because of that peace he has bestowed to me empathy and compassion all because I carry the same spirit of Jesus.

This woman was bold to love Jesus. Among mockers and self-righteous fans of God she became a follower of Jesus. She was not quantified by her shame, but was bold to love on him when others would not have done so.

Look to the light and let God see the portrait that he has painted of you. He is the artist and he wants his glory to shine through you. Let the perfume fall and call your debts claimed. He is ready to illuminate all the details for the world to see you shine brightly.


  1. This is wonderful. Thank you so much for writing this. Shame the devil tool that he uses so frequently on me! Love you lady

  2. Beautifully captures the vastness of God’s love & mercy towards each of us; our inability to do anything to help ourselves; and the only hope: to look to Him for our forgiveness and salvation!


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