Where's The Laughter?

Have you ever been so cranky you're just agitated with everything in sight? The way the mailman crumpled your package... How you haven't made time to fix the broken window shield in the front of your car... How your children run in from school and immediately drop everything to the floor because they don't have ample time at school to properly use the restroom? The way a certain someone chews their food... You have to wear button up pants, and button up pants make you have a headache... How everyone wants to climb and touch you all the time... How someone slams the toilet from the other room... How the laundry is NEVER finished and socks will forever be turned inside out... How you spoke horribly to someone this morning and can't fix it till later... NO. Just me, eh? Well, this story starts with one agitated mother and ends with a bag of cheese. I was going about my business and all of the above events, plus a dozen more that I won't be vulnerable enough to enligh...