Before the Plunge

I feel like we all have varying degrees of where we are in our walk with the Lord.

Some of us have been following Him for years.
some have been questioning Him for years.
Some are boldly living a life committed to loving others well.
Some are pressing into new giftings that he's so richly blessed us with.
Some of us love to be good people.
Some of us are looking for any opportunity to bring God's Kingdom.
And some of us haven't taken the unknown step of having Him in your life.
And some of us just don't even want to bother.

But guess what...God still loves us.  No matter where we are in our walk, God still loves us. He is about connection and relationship. He is a Father with wide open arms no matter the cost or the energy or the effort.

God loves the prodigal son/daughter feeling rejected by all the things they've "done wrong."
God loves all those beaten down and told so many lies of their self-worth.
God loves the child seeking and questioning and pursuing.
God loves the parent doing their best and the parents not able to do their best.
God loves those paralyzed by mental health hurdles...he sees you making your best of everyday and pains for your heart to know he's still there for you.
God loves those riddled with anxiety and worry and doesn't judge you for the mistrust.
God loves those of us just going through our day...

I think you get it..He LOVES us.  But even as easy as it is to say the words, it's not easy for some of us that are in the midst of pain, suffering, and in the trenches to take the PLUNGE of saying their first YES to Him.

Some of us are so entrenched in the pain, in the eye of the storm, that we can't seem to come to the lip of the boat and peer over, let alone even open our eyes to see the lighted horizon of's too much.

And for those of us on the outside of the storm, even if you've been there before, it's not our job to tell them "If you could only...You just need should...why don't you...". For God's love to shine our job is to sit with them and just be. To hold them if they ask, to listen, to spend non-judgemental time with them, to give them space to process, till they are ready and calm and their hearts are prepared.

Or maybe some of us have become stagnant and are not ready to take our next step in our walk. Maybe you don't even think you have a next step and you're comfortable right where you are.

And some of us are ready for revival. And your hearts are prepared. 

But let me say, God has more preparing for you if your heart has even the word "should" in it.  I don't believe God's heart says should. His character isn't that of condemnation, or setting people straight.  His heart posture might push someone out of a tough spot but they are first met with compassion. We have a new covenant in Jesus and his heart speaks "Love...I am here...I will never leave you..." and it's through the relationship and the light that people are able to come to their next step.  To come to their destiny in Him.  To press into his discernment and let Him guide them through their storm and into the calm.

As I parent my children I can get caught up in the "our world is becoming dark," and the, "how will they ever survive and choose God on their own," and the "what if's" can run rampant.

But the truth is I am not responsible for their heavenly inheritance. Because saying I am is saying I am Lord over their life...and that just isn't right. What I am responsible for as a mom is the exposure to experiencing Him fully...the exposure to working through hard things while leaning on bringing God into EVERY decision and conversation I am listening to their troubles and mistakes and holding them as they make their way through the forest.  It is not for me to judge and give a bunch a shoulds, what ifs, and scare them into freedom...but to continually, meekly, empathize with them and help them to the edge of the boat to see the freedom when they are ready. To help them chew and absorb the truths and spit out the lies.

As people go about their days, we are not responsible for the next plunge.  We might "know" it, and have been there before, but their plunge looks different than yours.  It might look like a small step to take but to them it could be like jumping from one cliff to another not sure if they will sustain the journey.

I think God knits some of us together for parts of our lives specifically to help us across the cliff. He works through each of us to help each other. BUT HE DOES the work. My hope for myself is that I continually encourage and "cheerlead" those to their NEXT STEP in their walk and not the person standing back saying, "that looks too risky..." or even, "Been there done that", but to really champion those stepping out of their box and more into their destiny with Him. That before their plunge, my children see me that way.  Not as an inhibitor, but a supporter of truth and grace. And for the spirit of gladness and joy to just stir up and inspire those for their next step. I know I need those kind of people in my walk, before I take my next plunge.


  1. How very well put, Elly! I love your tender heart and your love for Jesus!


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