loyal sisters
Every person needs to have at least one LOYAL friend. Loyal friends are hard to find. The definition of the word loyal:
faithful to any leader, party, or cause, or to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity
deserving promises ...

Today is Tori's birthday...and even though she would appreciate NO accolades, I will be giving them because I can do that...embarrass her...21 years of friendship means I can do that.
Cheers to Tori! She is:
strong - both physically and emotionally. She pushes me to "snap out of it" quite frequently, and I have seen her in a boot-camp class. She could take you down like a ninja.
real - the girl will tell you from the get-go if something is jiving or not with her...and she doesn't even need to use silly words...it's written all over her face
the worrier - and not in a bad way, but in a "I don't think that's a great idea" sort of way. She has my back and I can be carefree as ever when I'm with her because I know she is worried enough for the two of us.
unanxious - this would not be a term that I would have used 9 years ago about her. But Tori has meeeeeellllloooowed. She can be keeping conversation all the while her 4 children - plus my 3 - are nipping at our heals for every last thing and still seem unphased by the banter. ALSO, her children will fall/trip/run in to no less than 10 things per hour and she's good to just let them brush it off.
faithful - Tori has had such a strong relationship with God from before I can even remember. She continually looks to how she can serve others, love on her kids, and grow closer to God all the time. When she is worried, she lets God handle it and knows that prayers work.
adventurous - she is not slowing down at a ripe old age of 35. Girl likes to go to new places, ride urban transportation with me with 7 children and two strollers, sprint up stairs with a stroller, try new eateries, and most outings that people would be like, "I'm not even doing that by myself, let alone with 4 little children." She's my teammate and just gets it done. And I'm fairly certain she's not too worried about safety at the time because she can carry all her children and outrun any crazy person.
understanding - without a doubt, as long as you are straight with her she understands and has loads of room for grace. She understands my tears...my habit of my wandering mind during a conversation...my mistakes, which are many. Tori has loads of forgiveness for people and gives it ubundantly. She also understands the need for ADULT time and tries to make it a priority
puzzler - not in the way most puzzlers are, but she is ALWAYS looking for new ways to make her furniture flow better and more functional. It's like Tetris over there...except with a lot less STUFF. I can always count on there being something in a "new" spot when I come over. She keeps you on your toes!

relatable - she knows why I might need more than ONE cup of jo', and the need for happy hour after naptime, and she doesn't judge.
knowledgeable - she knows how to explain my retirement savings better than I can balance my checkbook and also, picks great wines...usually because of their label, but hey, I've never had a bad one that she's picked out.
humble - she will do something wonderful for someone and no one, except that person, will know about it. She does not like to draw attention to herself, only wants to serve others.
and finally...
loyal - Tori is in every sense of the word loyal. She does NOT go back on her word. She does NOT cancel. She will be there if she says she can and she will be there willingly. She will be there to listen to complaints, hear about your needs, and clean like a "merry maide". She is my longest running friend and that is saying something.
and she has been...always there for me💜
Tori, I will always remember fondly our summers that were carefree and full of walking and talking all over Westwood. I will remember how you have been to every one of my bedsides when my children were born. I will remember how you've always held me true to my values. I am so very happy to call you friend and do life with you. Let's see what the next 40 years brings.
"There are 'friends' who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
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