Making sense of senseless

My God is a great God. A good God. And I believe He sees us through anything. 

Anyone who knows me, knows I am very emotional. When I watch things, or read things in the news my mind becomes all encompassed. I feel as if my mind takes the information in like a breath of smoke and the smoke immediately moves down around my heart and just squeezes it until I remove myself from reading/seeing more. However, even after I try to remove myself, my soul seems to say, "keep thinking, keep praying," As if I am having a conversation with God and he is begging me to talk with Him and converse just like any friend would do if they were troubled. Now, I don't believe that God is troubled. However, I do believe he does this to me to draw in my attention.  He wants us to know that others are hurting so that we CAN pray for them and also so that it maybe changes our heart. Maybe that's wrong, but that's how I feel. I don't feel like he does this in a manipulative way, but a way to create more love and compassion for others. And also so we may see what many of his servants are being called to do. 

I am blessed to be able to remove myself from such stressful situations. Other Christians are right in the heat of it. 

The news of the 21 Christian men that were kidnapped and beheaded has just been lingering in my mind since seeing coverage on it. Such hatred. Such violence. And these Islamic Men have chosen to be a part of this group that makes these hateful, despicable actions. I just don't understand or comprehend why this happens. Even though some of these men are brainwashed from a very young age, they are still human and understand hurt and harm. It puzzles me that their internal voice wouldn't be speaking loud and clear when things like this happen. I do know that God is not at the root of these killings. He is a good God and something this evil just cannot come from him.  It is these evil doings where God has a chance to take something horrible and use it for good. I know for a fact that he was abiding in the hearts and minds of the 21 deceased men to calm them and receive them just as they crossed over to meet Him. 

I have so many thoughts or emotions about this. I can't even write it all out properly. What are we to do with this? How can we help or change? This seems so big to handle. And yet, nothing is too big for God to redeem. I know that in the end He will win, He will be victorious. But in the midst of it all what shall I do?   As a servant here what can I do to help?  The only thing I can think to do is pray...pray and talk with Him about all my rambling emotions that make no sense, except to Him...pray without ceasing. These 21 men have made an ultimate sacrifice so the least I can do for them and their families is pray.  The only way to make sense of something that has no sense is to turn to God. Because only he can help. 

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful saints." Psalm 116:15

"The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20


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