the first of many...I'm sure

Luke has embarrassed me...
and I'm sure it won't be the last.

We were at a friends house, a bachelor of course, where no children abide.  I'm always nervous I'm going to have to replace some expensive VAZ from Paris or somewhere exotic that is of course IMPOSSIBLE to replace.  That being said, this friend is pretty laid back and LOVES kids.  In fact he reinvites us time and time again...doesn't he remember us?

The kids ate well, played well through most of dinner.  I enjoyed playing with them as Tim and said friend talked about things way over most "non-tech" peoples heads.  Luke brought lots of toys with him includig his cars. 

Now, this is a VERY WHITE house with LOTS of white walls and carpet and nice hardwood in the kitchen. 

At one point I got pulled into the conversation with the other adults in the room.  However, promptly before that I reprimanded Luke for ALMOST driving his cars on the walls for fear of marks on the walls.  I continued with my lovely adult conversation.  Then I realized, "I haven't been interrupted in a while.  That's that's probably not good." 

I excuse myself from the adult convo, turn the corner and then I see it!

Luke says to me, "Me make tracks wall, Mommy." 

Luke has taken his cars and marred the walls...YES plural, not one wall, THREE of the FOUR walls!!!  And ALL the way across each of them.  I of course had no words for his cute little face.  Actually, our friends took it really well.  I would have driven out to our friends house to clean the walls, but he lives almost 40 minutes away and he kept saying it was ok. 

Can we say, "AWWWWK-WARRRRRD"?

I did explain that Mr. Clean makes a fabulous product called, "A Mr. Clean Eraser." Our friend said, "no worries," and had actually just previously finished telling me a story of how he cared less and less for possessions.  Hopefully he was sincere (mind you, this friend is as organic as it comes and Mr. Clean is not.

As we were packing up to go home and getting in the car, Luke kept beckoning for our friend, as our friend was talking with Tim.  All of a sudden he says, "I sur walls".  I did not prompt him at all.  This made me so proud.  What a sweet little boy.

I think he really was sorry, but I don't think it will be long till he's telling us sorry through a different medium..


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