The two shall meet

This is somewhat of a continuation of Carolyn's Birth.  This is about when Luke came to meet her at the hospital for the first time.  This is a memory that will forever be fresh in my memory.  It touches my heart every time I think of it and almost makes my eyes tear up with delight and sadness at the same time.My mother warned me how upset she was when she came home with Sam, at how BIG Emma looked and was no longer her baby.

Well, this played somewhat the same way, but in a slightly different, emotional way. 

Let's go back to the day before...or couple of months before Carolyn arrived.  Now, don't get me wrong I was VERY excited to have a new baby and especially have a girl.  I've always dreamed about how close I would be with my kids, but especially my daughter.  There would be a special closeness.  Little did I know how CLOSE I would become with my little man. 

He is all kinds of emotion...but he is a part of me.  Raising him has been SO MUCH FUN!!!  He can be demanding, silly, and rambunctious, all the while being sweet, thoughtful, and sensitive.  I love him with all my heart.  As it was getting closer to Carolyn's due date, I began to have feelings of guilt and sadness.  I felt guilty about how the world for Luke was about to change in a way he was not aware and that I would no longer be spending all my time with him.  This was best for everyone, but still I felt as if I was slighting him in some way.  The rest of the summer I spoiled him with my kisses and special time. 

We tried to get him aquainted with a baby by giving him a doll and bringing some of the baby things upstairs and explain how the baby would be using them.  He was so sweet with the doll (as sweet as any toddler can be):)  Gripping the baby and squeezing it for hugs by the know, very gentle.  He also moved very SMOOTHLY into his big-boy bed.  He fell out a couple times, but he got over it, lived through it and has loved it from the beginning. 

The day before the induction we spent the whole day with Luke as a family of 3.  We ate a great Breakfast and took him out to Entertrainment Junction.  He loved having both Mommy and Daddy to himself and being at a place that housed so many trains.  I mean what could be better?!?!?!  Then we came home for naps, packed our bags and off to Grandma and Grandpa's we went.  Luke has a great relationship with all of his grandparents, but is especially fond of his "Ga-Ga".  He was sure to have a great time with her.  We dropped him off, and I think I cried on the way home.  My poor little guy would never be the same.

I was so excited for him to meet Carolyn...and then my plan was busted with a fever.  Luke had a slight fever and couldn't visit till it went away.  BOOOOO :((  I missed my little guy and I wanted my family to be together. 

It wasn't until Thursday night that he was able to come up to the Hospital.  This is what will forever be engrained in my head.

Patti was going to bring Luke up when we were all by ourselves to meet Carolyn and he missed us too.  This was the first time we were apart for more than a day and a half.  I hadn't seen him in almost 3 days!  I was almost nervous for this meeting when Patti called to say they were on their way up to see us. 

His little footsteps and voice we could hear coming down the hallway...

All of a sudden there was a little tap on the door...

"Hi Da-da!!" "Hi Momma!!"  His little blond hair with curls and gym shoes (such big man shoes) and cute little pants, smiling from ear to ear and yet kinda whining and smiling because he was so conflicted with his emotions...I can hardly resist the cuteness now as I think of it.

He hugs Tim in the doorway and will barely let Tim stand up.  He came bearing a gift bag for his sister.  It was a pacifier with a little lamb that says, "It's a Girl."  He looks at Carolyn and cuddled her for along while, but didn't want to leave the bed with Tim and I.  He wanted his family to be together as much as I did.  He spent most of the time rolling around on the bed and cuddling with his mommy and daddy and oodling over his new sister.  I especially remember him being hungry and I gave him my graham crackers with Peanut butter on them.  He loved them and got all messy, but it was all okay because we were all together.

Leaving was quite difficult.  Tim took him down to the car and was crying a bit.  Luckily he was enamored with the huge apple that Tim gave him.  Apples make everything better.  I was so happy for my whole family to have met and that Luke responded so well to Carolyn.

This will always be my favorite snapshot of that day..

And here is when we came to Grandma and Grandpa's house to take Luke Home (I don't know if we ever thanked them enough for taking care of our little guy so well, but THANK YOU!)

"Who's the big brother?"
"AGUE!!" (Luke's name for himself)

Luke decided to name Carolyn, Cece, which was perfect since Tim and I couldn't agree on a nickname

 Helping with her Pacie

Carolyn gave Luke a helicopter to say "Hello"

He just can't get enough of her.

Love my little family...


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